Having trouble getting VirtualDub 1.4.10 to sync audio and video correctly :(


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999
I've been recording some TV shows using my Hauppage TV tuner and PowerVCR II. The good thing is that once it records the show in MPEG-1 format, I can play it back in Windows Media Player and the video and audio are synced perfectly from start to finish no matter what.

But when I use VirtualDub to make a DIVX rip of the clip (I've tried all different bitrates and tried messing around with the audio offset +/- millseconds) and I still can't get it to sync perfectly. I can maybe get it to sync right for the first minute or two, then by the end of the show the audio is all f*&ked again:|:(

So I guess my question is, is there a better way to do this? Or is there a program that will rip to DIVX in real time while recording or something like that (I doubt it though).

BTW, I'm using an 1.4GHz Athlon w/768MB DDR SDRAM and a Maxtor Atlas III 10k SCSI drive.


Golden Member
Nov 4, 1999
I used to have audio / video sync problems with the older Divx codec and even with Divx 5. These problems go away in Vdub when I use Divx 4.12 though.


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999

<< I used to have audio / video sync problems with the older Divx codec and even with Divx 5. These problems go away in Vdub when I use Divx 4.12 though. >>

Well, I'm using the latest Virtualdub and the latest DIVX (5.01).

I'll see if what happens with DIVX 4.12


Diamond Member
May 8, 2000
I know it's kind of an extra PITA step, but try it in two passes. In your first pass, recompress your video with the DIVX codec and do a direct stream copy of the audio. In the second pass, direct stream copy your video and compress your audio. I *guarantee* this will get rid of your sync issue ;)

DISCLAIMER: NOT a guarantee!

edit for bad spelling!


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999

<< I know it's kind of an extra PITA step, but try it in two passes. In your first pass, recompress your video with the DIVX codec and do a direct stream copy of the audio. In the second pass, direct stream copy your video and compress your audio. I *guarantee* this will get rid of your sync issue ;)

DISCLAIMER: NOT a guarantee!

edit for bad spelling!

Well, that didn't work either :(


Diamond Member
May 8, 2000

<< Well, that didn't work either :( >>

Argh! Good thing that wasn't a guarantee ;)
When I first got into DIVX I was having MAJOR sync problems with 3.11. I tried all kinds of things (even different programs) and the two-step was the only thing that kept me from having several seconds of lag after only 20 minutes of video.
Which audio codec are you using?


No Lifer
Oct 9, 1999


<< Well, that didn't work either :( >>

Argh! Good thing that wasn't a guarantee ;)
When I first got into DIVX I was having MAJOR sync problems with 3.11. I tried all kinds of things (even different programs) and the two-step was the only thing that kept me from having several seconds of lag after only 20 minutes of video.
Which audio codec are you using?

I had lag even after doing the direct stream copy from the first step.

I usually use MP3 compression though at the highest bit rate.


Diamond Member
May 8, 2000
Now I can't even duplicate my out-of-sync problem with VirtualDub (version 1.4.8) even when I disable audio interleaving and compressing audio and video at the same time :|
I did manage to do it with Sonic Foundry Video Factory. I used Fraunhofer MP3 with VDub and accidentally used the Windows version of the same with SFVF. I guess I have to experiment a little more.
I should be playing video games or sleeping! Damn you! *shakes fist* ;)