Ok. So for a few days before I've noticed that wheN i turn my PC on it sometimes doesn't detect my harddrive. After a restart or two it detects it and boots up normally. THen today I walk home. TUrn on my PC and I get a "System disk error, please insert boot disk". I ran maxtor's powermax software and technically the harddrive is fine. But it's unpartitioned and unformatted. I'm extremely mad right now. Any one can explain to me why My entire 60 gig harddrive decided to just lose it's partition info without my permission?
Maxtor 60 gig 7200 Diamondmax Plus
2 Surge protectors and blackout buster UPS. So i doubt it's power surges.
Maxtor 60 gig 7200 Diamondmax Plus
2 Surge protectors and blackout buster UPS. So i doubt it's power surges.