Hard Disk Failure or something else???


Senior member
Sep 14, 2000
My system is

AMD AthlonXP-1500
ABIT KR7A-133RAID Mobo - Latest drivers and BIOS installed
256Mb 266mhz DDR
2 x IBM Deskstar 75GXP 30Gb in RAID 0 Array
Windows XP Pro - single partition on RAID array using NTFS

Here is my problem

The system runs fine when I use it. However, when idle, after 15-20 mins of inactivity the hard disk goes into turbo mode and starts chugging away doing something (not sure what). The process lasts for a good few minutes and then back to normal. After another 15-30 mins it starts again. When the hard disk is working away it consumes 100% of CPU and if, for example I am playing MP3 music in the background the music starts skipping like a 9 year old on drugs.

I can't run Scandisk - it freezes during process or I receive an error. Is there any way of telling whether the hard disk is damaged or if there are any bad sectors/ clusters? With Windows 9x I could boot into DOS and run Scandisk from C:\> What can I do in WinXP?

I have tried disabling Antivirus activity, turned off Hibernation mode (?). Could it be system restore?

Any ideas?? Am I going to have to purchase 2 new drives or do you think a reinstall will put this right?


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
Open up task manager and monitor applications and processes, and see what is running in background when this occurs.