<<Sounds like qtpie is one of those people who had to start out with a crappy classical guitar (i also started out with a classical), yet never advanced enough to get a steelstring/electric guitar... >>
hehe, it's funny. On the contrary, I started out with a steel string acoustic guitar and I had a nightmare because it hurt my fingers so bad. I put it away and bought with a nylon string to learn the basic stuff. When I felt comfortable playing with it (by that time I already had calluses), I went back to my steel string guitar, and I found it was giving me better sounds and other things as you all saying above.
For starter, finding a chord and playing it correctly are a challenge task already, forget about all those fancy tricks. Nylon guitar has a wider fret which is easier for beginner to find, press and change chords (reduces the chance of one finger pressing 2 strings) and the strings don't hurt the fingers badly. And thus, IMO, they are the most important thing for the beginner. At least they don't feel discouraged by the guitar and spend more time to practice. You can buy a $150 nylon string guitar first, then choose a better and suitable one AFTER you're sufficient enough. Learn some basic chords first, go the guitar shops and play around with all kind of guitars: classical, acoustic, electric(?), etc., then choose the one that you feel most comfortable playing with. Since you will most likely retire your first guitar when you're getting better, don't spend too much money on the first one ($300 max).
Like BoYRaCeR, I didn't know which kind of guitar that I should buy when I started. Then I shopped around and asked for advice from the salemen (all of them are guitar players). ALL OF THE SALEMEN suggested me to get a steel string guitar because of many reasons as you guys stated above: better sound, I could hook up to the amp/pickup which I could play for the crowd at the party, as well as doing other fancy tricks: riff, slide, using capo, etc. But ALL of them FORGET one important thing: I knew nothing about playing guitar thus those trick were useless for a newbie. You could only to do that kind of stuff after learning all the basic first (which took about a year or so, depends on your practice and talent)
Most of the times I'm playing guitar just for to relax and have fun, never think and want to be a musician, therefore my opinion may be difference from you guys. BTW, I started learning guitar by taking a course at a community college ($30 for a whole semester, hehehe...)