Guess my political party affiliation


Feb 12, 2001
Lately I seem to have people on here calling me things like a "bleeding heart liberal". I just thought I'd throw out some of my views, and see what people really think.

I dont believe in abortion (except in a few special cases) EDIT - I should clarify that although I don't beleive abortion is the right thing to do except in rare cases, I don't think I'd support legislation to ban it.

I don't believe in the death penalty
I believe people should be able to own as many of whatever kind of guns as they want
I don't believe GW Bush is doing an excellent job as president
I don't believe Bill Clinton was that great a president
I don't believe in helmet/seatbelt laws, or any other laws infringing on freedom in the name of safety
I just plain don't like John Ashcroft or Joe Leiberman
I like American cars.
I think Canada would probably be a cool place to live if it was warmer.
I don't believe in any form of cencorship by the government
I think the California public school system sucks ass (up through highschool levels)


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
haha, im gonna make that a trifecta


Nov 20, 1999
One thing's for sure, John ASScroft (aka Joe McCarthy Jr.)Deleted, and George Bush is an idiot for listening to him.

Continue posting filth like this and you will lose your privelage to post here.

AnandTech Moderator


Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2000

<< 3rd party!

More specifically, libertarian.

(Everything is pretty close except for the abortion issue...but everyone is different.)

Mister T

Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
Guess mine:

I believe in abortion because it woud be impractical to make it illegal.
I don't beleive in the death penalty unless you declare war, i.e., terrorist
I believe people should be able to own as many of whatever kind of guns as they want
I like the way GW is handling himseld in office
I don't believe in helmet/seatbelt laws
I don't like Leibermann and I am skeptical about what Ashcroft is doing in terms of limiting civil rights
I like German cars
You could not pay me enough to live in Canada
I don't believe in any form of cencorship by the government
I beleive there should be a complete separation of church and state, i.e., I can't stand the Christien right
I think public schools need to be accountable, i.e., test students, test teachers... if they fail X number of times, start handing out vouchers
I beleive in tax reform to eliminate loop holes and deductions in the bloated IRS tax code
I beleive we need Social security reform because it is the largest ponzi scheme ever conceived
I beleive that the war on drugs is a waste of time and money... if people want to smoke weed, snort coke - let them.... address violent crime, not mental addictions



Oct 9, 1999
A sensible person with your own opinion on few things. The world needs more people like you instead of blind sheep that just vote for some party because their dad did.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Don't forget that he also supports the extermination of the potentially mentally & physically handicapped.


While I think the lawsuit was stupid, I actually agree with the mother in many ways. People like that are a burden on society. I see then all the time. SOme 30 year old guy in a wheelchair who's never thought an intelligent thought in his life, with three perfectly healthy, able bodied people wasting thier lives by trying to keep him alive cause he can't feed himself.
I do beleive it would have been better off if he had naver been born. I don't blame it on him, it's not his fault, but the fact remains that he's a burden, and he will never be able to take care of himself.

Call me mean, insensitive, an ass hole, whatever you want. It's the way I feel. I'm glad I wasn't born that way, and I widh those people weren't born that way, but the fact that they're a burden remains.

Viper GTS


Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
im still in the process of determining how i feel on alot of issues... :)


Jan 8, 2001
Sounds pretty libertarian to me. Basically, libertarians think the government should have as little power as possible. In other words, only what's necessary and nothing more. Anything besides the basic functions of running the government and enforcing necessary laws, they should keep their hands out of (censorship, taxes, guns, business regulation, etc). They also believe that if the government got rid of much of its bloat, our taxes would be almost nothing (which is probably true).


Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2001

<< I think Canada would probably be a cool place to live if it was warmer. >>

This is crazy talk. That's like saying everyone in the US is a bunch of mormons just because Utah is in the US. Some places in Canada are extremely warm. In the interior of BC (Kamloops area) it gets to be 45 degrees celcius = 113 degree fahrenheit. And since it's more humid than many places in the US, it "feels" a hell of a lot hotter. I stayed in Arizona for a week last summer and didn't find it that hot - it's a dry heat, so it's much easier to handle.

Don't forget that many of the central northern states get hella cold in the winter. ;)



Feb 12, 2001

<< Don't forget that he also supports the extermination of the mentally & physically handicapped.

Viper GTS

No I don't. I believe that abortion is a valid option (and probably the best option) when you realize that your developing child will never have the ability to think at a level higher than an infant. I never said anything about physical handicaps, and I don't believe that children should be aborted due to blindness/deafness/etc. I also don't support killing people who've already been born, regardless of thier handicap.

That said, I'm registered independent.



Oct 31, 2000

<< I don't believe GW Bush is doing an excellent job as president >>

Sounds like a bleeding heart commie liberal to me! :)

How about my views?

I believe that abortion should be a choice made on the personal level, not one for the government to mandate
I am not sure if we should have the right to take human life as punishment
I believe people should be able to own some guns for protection, but some guns aren't intended for public use
I don't believe GW Bush is doing an excellent job as president
I believe Bill Clinton was an above average president and that Regan was below average
I wouldn't believe in helmet/seatbelt laws if it didn't take Government time/money to take care of all the costs associated with care and cleanup
I just plain don't like John Ashcroft or Joe Leiberman
I like American cars, but I also like most other cars.
I think Canada would probably be a cool place to live if it was warmer. (agreed)
I don't believe in any form of cencorship by the government
I think the North Carolina public school system is pretty good, despite low SAT scores (there is a reason).


Diamond Member
Jun 17, 2000


<< Guess my political party affiliation >>

I'm not even going to read your crappy thread, but I think you'd be part of the Gay party?

Now how would you come to a conclusion like that without reading anything?


Jun 1, 2001
Neat...Okay, someone do me

I'm 21 years old and a minority--Filipino
I've been in the Army and will be in the Army again in 2 years
I go to UC Berkeley
I thought Clinton was a good President
I was indifferent toward Bush and Gore. In the end, I voted for Bush but wasn't totally satisfied by it
I'm in favor of strict gun laws but am in the process of purchasing one of my own
I like American muscle but would get a European car if I could afford it
I'm on the fence about abortion. I don't think I could handle seeing my mother, sister, future wife getting one nor do I support the moral implications (i.e. it allows more carefree sex and a tiny bit of God stuff...) but I really believe that the woman (and man) involved should be able to make their own decision
I'm on the extreme fringe of Roman Catholicism, almost Agnostic...
I also wouldn't mind living in Canada but I'll never forget about the American in me...
I'm not for lots of people getting the death penalty but believe there are crimes where it would fit

part of the 'Gay Party'
Also, I'm totally hetero...not that there's anything wrong with that^ ;)