GTX 280 BSOD with dual 6 pin to 8 pin Y adapter


Oct 26, 2001
Title says it all. Used the included adapters on my EVGA gtx280 to adapt two 6 pin connectors to an 8 pin. used another adapter in the box for the other 6 pin. Worked great for about 5 min. Bioshock totally maxed out at 2560 by 1600 was beautiful. I rejoiced. Then, i suddenly saw corrupted screen graphics and BSOD. Rebooted and on post saw corrupted text. Shut system of in my a/c room, unplugged and let rest. Restarted, same thing.

Replaced my 8800gtx, all ok.

Hope the new card isn't screwed...

Went to Circuit City 45 minutes before closing time and found just placed on the shelves Antec 1000 watt power supply with two 8 pin and 2 six pin connectors. Took it home, opened the box after uninstalling my old PS. Odd, I could only see one 8 pin connector and one 6 pin connector. Looked at PS label and it said it was 650 watts. Intruction manual also for 650 watt model. Thanks Antec!!

Circuit City closed of course. Must wait til after work tomorrow. Imagine the scene as I try and explain I want to exchange the 1000 watt PS box and a 650 watt PS for a new 1000 watt PS. Will I be believed? Who knows.

I am a little frustrated and a bit peeved right now...


Golden Member
Apr 13, 2002
I've had mis-packaged products before. I never had trouble exchanging it.

Good luck with the new PSU.


Platinum Member
Dec 15, 2005
it happens

When I got an 8800 ultra (evga) from newegg it actually burst on fire. The mosfet was shooting out a blue type of flame, and it made a nasty burn on the cooler. Funny enough though, the card worked while the flame was on , granted i was just booting to windows while it was on fire.


Oct 26, 2001
They accepted the return. All CC stores have taken these off their shelves, I believe. Guess Antec made a booboo...

RMA of gtx 280 in process to Newegg. Apparently, this is not an isolated case according to threads on other forums.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
I have not had any problem so far with my GTX 280 on a Corsair HX520 power supply, using the supplied adapters (2x6-pin -> 8-pin, 2x molex -> 6-pin). This is with a Phenom 9500 @ stock, since I don't want to overclock it along with the 280 and I am getting a new system in a few days anyway.

Since getting it earlier today, I've ran GPU F@H, then GPU F@H + Prime 95 on three cores, and then I played CoD4 for a while with the card @ 700/2400. No problems so far, hope it stays that way. If I'm not having trouble now with a Phenom, I should be fine with an E8400.

My card does run pretty darn hot though, so people weren't lying when they talked about the temps. With the fan forced @ 70% + OC, when I exited out of CoD4 the core temp was around 75C.


Oct 26, 2001
Even with a new PSU with the "correct 8 pin connectors, my gtx 280 gave scrambled text and graphics before crashing the system. Definitely a defective card...

RMA in process... No new card.... out $30 in shipping as Newegg is out of this card and their policy is to refund your purchase price if they are out of stock when you RMA.


Diamond Member
Dec 26, 2005
Originally posted by: ToadkillerDog
Even with a new PSU with the "correct 8 pin connectors, my gtx 280 gave scrambled text and graphics before crashing the system. Definitely a defective card...

RMA in process... No new card.... out $30 in shipping as Newegg is out of this card and their policy is to refund your purchase price if they are out of stock when you RMA.

I would just buy an HD 4870 at this point. The performance is close enough and you'll save quite a lot of money.

This card is great but the HD 4870's performance is way more impressive than even I thought it was going to be.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Even with a new PSU with the "correct 8 pin connectors, my gtx 280 gave scrambled text and graphics before crashing the system. Definitely a defective card...

RMA in process... No new card.... out $30 in shipping as Newegg is out of this card and their policy is to refund your purchase price if they are out of stock when you RMA.

Yeah, as I said in the other thread where you posted about this, the adapter probably had nothing to do with it. There is no technical reason why it shouldn't work and I have a feeling that the card companies are discouraging its use more for reasons of product differentiation than anything else. The 8-pin connectors are only found on fairly high quality PSUs at the moment, so by claiming that it may not work, they can prevent people from using crappy power supplies on these cards (even though they also exclude many otherwise good PSUs that just lack the connector).