Graphic Design


Oct 10, 2006
I got a couple of problems that i would like people here to awnser,

ok so everyone know where i am coming from my father owns a small Offset printing bussiness which does everything from Bussiness cards to books, i was using Adobe's InDesign software to setup a Bussiness cards for one of his customers and the customer had the art work read to go (the logo's that he wanted to use) and after setting it up i had printed it out on my fathers hp officejet d125 which used to work just fine and i wanted to pring in only black however after sevral atempts i was not able to print from InDesign or from Adobe Acrobat (PDF) in a good dpi especally for the logos.

So my question is when i reduced the logos in InDesgin which were JPG's did that affect the quality of my print out ot not?

Secondly i know that the printer that i mentioned above is old i already had to clean out all of the print heads with windex glass cleaner and a leant free cloth, i would like some recomendations both to the problem above and what is a good printer (wax, ink or otherwise) for printing good proof for the offset printing style.

Thanks for all the help in advance and let me know if you have any questions, and i will try to get back to you as soon as i can

Also if you have a link to a site that you think might be helpful let me know also

I also posted this in the off-topic sections was not sure where to post this.