Quite remarkable.
It is also an indisputable contrast to my 'golden days', back between the ages of 9 to around 12 years-old, when adults (along with girls of my age, of course) kept telling me that video games were only for kids (and that they themselves would never touch them with a kilometer-long stick). Coming from them (adults, mostly), games were perceived as a complete waste of time at best, or a catalyst for violence / obsession later on, at worst.
Now I'm watching a video of an old lady enjoying a video game, and I can't help myself but smile with joy at the idea that I had forged myself as a young gamer, that when my parents or other "older people" told me to stop playing video games because it was only for kids (as if I wasn't a kid myself anyway) was totally not the point (that already back then I knew that gaming had the potential to be literally for everyone, that it could be a hobby just like any others if only you took some time to at least understand it). Not to mention obviously that the people who actually made the games and worked at the "gaming companies" (is how I called developers back then) were themselves adults to start with.
In one of the MMOs I'm playing lately, there's two of my guild mates whose parents also play (the same game, from time to time they play the same characters as well). Now of course they don't play as often, but they do nonetheless and they are actually good at it, and they're well into their late 50's from what I've heard.
Anyway, that video just brought me right back during my days when adults were just essentially mocking gamers and video gaming in general.