gotta love best buy


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
I know there are quite a few people here that hate best buy and honestly I'm not too fond of them but I just got an awesome deal. I bought a 42" Westinghouse pos tv about 3 years with an extended service plan because they never pay off and they're a huge waste of money. Except after having some issues with my old TV I got it replaced with a 120hz 46" LG for free! It was supposed to cost me a few hundred for that model but the CS rep at the store credited me the full price of the TV not the 'new' value.


Dec 11, 2000
I have had 0 problems with Best Buy. Absolutely 0. Any issue that arose was easily taken care of by a CSR, and I went about my business.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2003
I have had 0 problems with Best Buy. Absolutely 0. Any issue that arose was easily taken care of by a CSR, and I went about my business

I had to censor that post to soften the shock to be experienced by anyone reading the thread :eek:


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
I have had 0 problems with Best Buy. Absolutely 0. Any issue that arose was easily taken care of by a CSR, and I went about my business.

my one issue was back when the 56k modems came out. i purchased one and when i got it home it was a 28.8 modem. the box was shrink wrapped and undamaged.

needless to say i was not happy.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Actually had a pretty good experience a few months ago as well. Was helping a family member buy a prebuilt, and I figured we'd go by Best Buy, but didn't really expect to find anything. Anyway they had a cheap Compaq system for $280 (cheapest Walmart system I think was $300, the the one at Best Buy was slightly better). But here's the kicker, they had a combo deal where you could add an 18.5" LCD monitor for a total of only $292. The monitor's a real cheapie, but for $12, why not? Turns out it was a pricing mistake, and we didn't even make a fuss about it, but the sales rep insisted they would honor it. Was kind of surprising to me, because I'm used to buying online, and if there's a pricing mistake they usually just cancel the order. I certainly didn't expect them to honor the $292 price, but it was nice that they did. Maybe the laws for B&M stores are different and they're required to honor sticker prices.

Also they didn't try to force any protection plans or other BS on us, which was nice. I figured they would really try to push stuff like that during checkout.

tl;dr: Went to Best Buy, got a pretty good deal on a computer and monitor, was a surprisingly hassle-free experience. But YMMV, I've heard my share of horror stories as well.


Elite Member
May 21, 2001
Best Buy is just fine, if you know what you are doing. Avoid being upsold, and don't get cables from them. Simple rules. What is left can be good deals and speed the internet can't even dream about (ie getting your stuff NOW).

I couldn't really understand the OP's writing. But he mentioned extended warranties. The main reason to avoid extended warranties, is that most credit cards give you the extension for free. So, why pay for something you already get? That assumes you use a decent credit card for big purchases though.


Jul 8, 2000
I have never had a problem with Best Buy. I don't buy much stuff there because they are usually overpriced and a smart shopper can find better deals.

I think the reason most people HERE don't like Best Buy is because in the past they have been denied some incredibly hot deal where they were trying to take advantage of the store in the first place.


Sep 19, 2000
I've never had a bad experience with best buy...

I've also never used them :awe:


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
I don't know why people have such a dislike for BB. I mean yea I've had my problems with them, but they are better than any local mom and pop type store. With Circuit City being closed, there would really be no competition without some BB stores around here...


Feb 18, 2004
I don't know why people have such a dislike for BB. I mean yea I've had my problems with them, but they are better than any local mom and pop type store. With Circuit City being closed, there would really be no competition without some BB stores around here...
overpriced and a hard sell for their overpriced, overhyped stuff (see: monster cables).

that said, I've never had a serious problem with Bestbuy.


Diamond Member
Jun 3, 2001
overpriced and a hard sell for their overpriced, overhyped stuff (see: monster cables).

that said, I've never had a serious problem with Bestbuy.

The people that would buy monster cables would just get taken elsehwere if not at BB.


Aug 4, 2000
I have had both good and bad experiences with Best Buy since they came to Texas to overtake Circuit City back in the early 1990s. Some have been really good, others have been horrendessly bad (like they time I had an amp installed and they drilled into my car's gas tank causing me extreme hassle for two weeks). Never get stereo crap put in there. They never get that crap done right - and I spent over $2000.00 including rewiring, dual amps, speakers, subs, head unit, labor, etc.
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Jan 12, 2005
Since Best Buy has eased up on the extended warranty pressure I hate them less. They're staffed by people who typically are far from experts, but I generally know what I want and do my own research before I buy a bigger ticket item, so that's no big deal. I used to hate buying anything, at any price it seemed, and they would push that extended warranty on me. No, I don't want your 4 year service plan for $19.99 on a pair of crap speakers I bought that cost me $29.99, and I don't want to have to explain this to 5 different people as I try and make the purchase.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
I had an interesting experience at BB. One BB I went to, that had their Sony EyeToy PS2 cameras on clearance, they were $8 on their web site. I wanted to PM their web site, so they rung up the cameras, and then as they were PM'ing, the price total increased on the register. Turns out, they were ringing up for even less, but the clerk didn't tell me that, he just raised the price and figured I wouldn't know the difference. I ended up returning them, I picked up some more at a different BB for cheaper. Dicks.


May 24, 2003
Never had a problem with best buy. A lot of their extra items are a huge scam ($30 printer cable) but the main items are a pretty reasonable price. Computers are the same price as you would get from Dell, games are the same price as newegg, movies are the same price as amazon, etc.


Sep 5, 2000
Are you serious about 18 months no interest? What's the catch?

It's 18 months to 36 months depending on what you buy. I bought a 50" panasonic TV, Bluray, and 7.1 home theater for less than I've seen the same package anywhere since then. Even now with it all being a year old it still costs more than what I paid. On top of the deal they threw in 36 months to pay, interest free.

The catch is that its a credit card. You need to pay at least the minimum payment each month. If you fail to pay the minimum payment or you don't pay it off in the time period that you have interest free they stick you with all of the accumulated interest that you would have owed them. Basically if you pay it off in 18 months (or 36 if that was the deal) you pay zero interest. If you miss a payment or pay it off one month late you'll owe hundreds of dollars in interest.


Jan 3, 2001
I have had 0 problems with Best Buy. Absolutely 0. Any issue that arose was easily taken care of by a CSR, and I went about my business.

Same here...shopped there for 20 years too. I read a lot of problems and it seems like most are caused by someone doing something out of the ordinary.


Jan 6, 2002
I like how BB did away with MIR, nothing like an instant in store rebate. *IF* you buy stuff there on sale, or clearance you will get the best deal around period. I'm typing on a keyboard that's currently $166 on Newegg, I got it at BB for $59 almost 3 years ago.


Dec 6, 2004
It's 18 months to 36 months depending on what you buy. I bought a 50" panasonic TV, Bluray, and 7.1 home theater for less than I've seen the same package anywhere since then. Even now with it all being a year old it still costs more than what I paid. On top of the deal they threw in 36 months to pay, interest free.

The catch is that its a credit card. You need to pay at least the minimum payment each month. If you fail to pay the minimum payment or you don't pay it off in the time period that you have interest free they stick you with all of the accumulated interest that you would have owed them. Basically if you pay it off in 18 months (or 36 if that was the deal) you pay zero interest. If you miss a payment or pay it off one month late you'll owe hundreds of dollars in interest.

Basically if you're bad at paying bills, it sucks for you.