Well, given what most of these Repubs answers are, as POTUS, I'd sure like to know what they're going to do about it in the way of what kinds of legislation they're going to promote, what executive actions they're going to take and just how they're going to fix this "loss of God conciousness", this "breakdown of the American family and marriage", this "losing track of where our rights come from..." and this "erosion of values" and "loss of clarity".
As president, how does one fix "loss of God conciousness" when our form of gov't is, by law, secular in nature? How, as president, can they promote religion when, by law, they are forbidden to? How are they, as president, going to fix this "breakdown in family" and oh yeah, especially "the breakdown in marriage"?
Seems to me all of this flowery rhetoric is going to miraculously vanish and get replaced by the same old agenda the Repubs have been pushing for since after WWII: Tax cuts for the rich, deregulate Wall St., Big Pharma, Big Oil, and privatize or kill every social assistance program now in existence to allow all of those big moneyed interests to get their hands on all of that gov't protected loot and scam their way into fortunes they they can only dream about at the moment.
edit- And what really gets me is these candidates talk of these values and infer that the Repub Party is the only party that stands for and shares these religious and family values when I know for a fact that most ALL Americans share in those values in one way or the another.
The only difference being that the Repubs in Congress are more than happy to legislate these values into law to force "their values" on the rest of the nation the way they see fit.