Using the newest drivers for this controller from Gigabyte and XP.
Normally as the computer is booting up, there is a black and white screen where it searches this controller and identifies that there is a Seagate harddrive connected to it. This harddrive all of a sudden within the last week or so keeps disappearing from view and that bootscreen doesn't show up anymore.
I went into safemode, uninstalled the SCSI controller, and rebooted. I got the black screen for the first time in a week searching the controller, found the harddrive and when I got to the desktop, XP said it found new hardware and installed the controller. Before rebooting, I looked in My Computer and the harddrive was back again as K: drive. After rebooting however, the controller is listed in Device Manager as working properly but the harddrive is gone again.
How do I effectively remove/uninstall the newest drivers and revert back to the original ones that came on the Gigabyte cd since I believe that I had no problem with this harddrive being seen until I updated the drivers for it. I don't want to use the Restore feature if I can help it only because I don't know exactly when this problem creeped up so I might not choose the correct date anyhow. This is something that I didn't notice for awhile now because I don't normally access that harddrive on a regular basis so it could easily have been gone for longer than I think.