Very nice Nvidia. I think this has to be one of the best innovations to hit the graphics industry in a while (I don't own a GF3 yet though). My background is a Ferrari F2001 leaving the pits. After turning the DVC slider up to one spot below full, I just sat there looking at this "New Background" for a couple minutes. I am amazed. Not just the red car either, the way the sun is reflecting off the tires lookes much more realistic (read: less like a picture). There is some heat coming off the engine and I thought it looked like smoke before (I knew it was heat though). The pants of the pit crew are made out of a semi-reflective material, I can see that now. Even skin tones are much improved. I am very pleased with this new feature in the 1080 drivers. I haven't tested any games other than Madden 2001, but GP3 is next, then Falcon 4, Mech4, Earth 2150, heck, I'll probably even install Decent 3 again. I'll bet Shogun, Deus-Ex, and MDK2 will look a lot better too. I think the landscape in Shogun will look a lot better too. Whoever came up with this idea should get a big raise.
OK, I'll get off the soapbox now. Next.
OK, I'll get off the soapbox now. Next.