Georgia police chief says accidentally shot, critically hurt wife

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Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013

It's actually pretty funny that you only threw that article under the bus and have yet to acknowledge your own poor research or that everything else you said was completely destroyed.

It was new info at the time, or at least appeared to be. I acknowledge that many of the "predictions" I made were wildly inaccurate. They were used to make a point and/or were made when we didn't know all this. You speculated too!

Not sure what you are arguing now? I already stated it will be interesting to see what she says, indicating I very well knew that we really had no
Idea what had happened besides she got shot. If you are asking for a formal apology for speculating, well, you won't get one.


Jun 24, 2001
It was new info at the time, or at least appeared to be. I acknowledge that many of the "predictions" I made were wildly inaccurate. They were used to make a point and/or were made when we didn't know all this. You speculated too!

Not sure what you are arguing now? I already stated it will be interesting to see what she says, indicating I very well knew that we really had no
Idea what had happened besides she got shot. If you are asking for a formal apology for speculating, well, you won't get one.
Did you not see where I proved you wrong about that?! Not sure how you missed it. We discussed it earlier after Allisolm linked to it:

Ballard said it could a week or more before he gets the GBI’s report and decides if McCollom will be charged wiht a crime.
Wow. It sounds like the AJC needs another copy editor.

Anyway, it sounds like the news program saying he claims to have been asleep was basing it on his "everyone was asleep" statement, which is a silly interpretation. He didn't explicitly state that he shot her twice but affirmed when the dispatcher asked, though the article says he appeared distracted. She was shot in the front and back, only with one bullet. He could have been confused about what the dispatcher was asking.

They should be able to tell if his weapon actually discharged twice. If it did not then it is most likely just confusion. That same local news program did say that the weapon only discharged once but I don't know how they know that.

The article says he has only had the job a matter of months. Being "remarried" after divorcing and marrying someone else for 10 years doesn't sound like a perfect relationship, so I am really curious to know more.

Now: It wasn't "new information." Allisolm's post 108 came before your post 120, you know. Don't say it again. You continued talking out of your rear ignoring that and COUNTLESS other details while laughably criticizing OUR investigative skills. Then, you come back here with that HORRIBLE article, making it clear what kind of bias-confirming self-supporting crap you stoop to read when "investigating" (as if the info wasn't out there elsewhere). It's beyond negligent and irresponsible. You are lucky to even be allowed to have an opinion and a voice with that much willful ignorance.

What you were doing was not speculating. You were making baseless conclusions. Want me to quote them?
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Golden Member
Apr 15, 2000
It was new info at the time, or at least appeared to be. I acknowledge that many of the "predictions" I made were wildly inaccurate. They were used to make a point and/or were made when we didn't know all this. You speculated too!

The only point you were successful in making was that you are an illogical fool.

It would be best if you posted less, at least until you can mature a little bit emotionally, or get a little smarter.



Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
It would be best if you two understood that I am fully aware at all times of whatever impression you are currently getting of me, and don't give a fuck about it.


So you can stop telling me about what you think of me specifically. Now I have to go. Will discuss more tomorrow.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
It was new info at the time, or at least appeared to be. I acknowledge that many of the "predictions" I made were wildly inaccurate. They were used to make a point and/or were made when we didn't know all this. You speculated too!

Not sure what you are arguing now? I already stated it will be interesting to see what she says, indicating I very well knew that we really had no
Idea what had happened besides she got shot. If you are asking for a formal apology for speculating, well, you won't get one.

I also knew you didn't have any idea what happened and I knew it a lot better than you did as did half a dozen other posters. You may not care what I say, but if Bober thinks you're a fuckwits, your gonna be sorry.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
I also knew you didn't have any idea what happened and I knew it a lot better than you did as did half a dozen other posters. You may not care what I say, but if Bober thinks you're a fuckwits, your gonna be sorry.

Between your contrived bullshit buffoonery and his mental retardation, you two have it all worked out! Huh? I will keep that in mind.

In the meantime, would you do me and everyone else on this forum a favor moonbeam?

Would you please spare us your pedantic metaphors? It is far easier for everyone too see how totally ordinary and uninspired your observations are when we can actually understand what you are saying at first glance.


Jun 24, 2001
It would be best if you two understood that I am fully aware at all times of whatever impression you are currently getting of me, and don't give a fuck about it.


So you can stop telling me about what you think of me specifically. Now I have to go. Will discuss more tomorrow.

This isn't about you. It's about what you are doing (ignoring and making up facts to arrive at baseless conclusions). YOU are the one making it personal by insinuating that certain people didn't speak English natively and such (is that even a real insult?). :rolleyes:

Anyway, you asked for it:
...And "accidents happen" is a bullshit explanation.
Baseless conclusion that it is "bullshit."

I've never even heard of a cop accidentally shooting

his wife in the head.
Baseless conclusion that she was shot in the head.

At the very least, it speaks to how horribly

incompetent and unprofessional that Sheriff was
Baseless conclusion that he was incompetent.

He should be charged with manslaughter at minimum.

That's what he did: Negligently at best killed his wife.
Baseless conclusion that he killed his wife in an act of negligent homicide

before ANY supporting details were known.

What "fact" would make it reasonable for a police

officer to accidentally shoot his wife with his own gun? I'm trying to think of

Baseless conclusion that it couldn't be an innocent accident before any

supporting details were known.

He shot her, maybe he didn't want to, but he did and he

needs to be punished.
Baseless conclusion that it wasn't an innocent accident and that it was a

punishable offense.

Just because you're a cop doesn't mean you get to kill

your wife
Baseless conclusion that he "killed" his wife, who is still alive and improving,

and seekd to get away with it.

That's why people are upset. Because in every instance

where normal citizens would be held responsible, cops are let slide.
Baseless conclusion that this isn't a simple accident where even a citizen would

be allowed to go free. It happens all the time.

In the military if you screw up you get court marshaled

and they do not fuck around. You are held responsible.
Baseless conclusion that he screwed up in a way where an authority should arrest

you. So every soldier who has accidentally shot an innocent trying to protect

other soldiers in a war zone has been arrested? Bull.

...he used that gun every day for years yet somehow,

"while he was cleaning it", the gun pointed itself at her head, loaded itself,

cocked itself, and fired itself
Baseless conclusion that he claimed to have shot her while cleaning the gun...

in the head... while aiming.

There is ONE way I can imagine this happening: Fat

idiot cop is bumbling around with his loaded, cocked gun pointing it at stuff

and saying "PEW! PEW! PEW!" when he drops it, it fires and accidentally hits her

in the head.

Otherwise he murdered her.
Baseless conclusion that the only alternative to your ONE imagined accidental

possibility is murder, ignoring countless other possibilities including several

I provided. Oh yeah, and there goes that pesky tendency to ignore the reality

that she is alive again. :rolleyes:

It does seem odd to be cleaning your gun at 4am...
Baseless conclusion about the normalcy of cleaning your gun at 4AM when NO ONE

EVER SAID HE WAS CLEANING HIS GUN. You should have been too ashamed to return to

the thread after that gaffe.

It may have been utter stupidity/negligence, or it may

have been that he wanted her dead...But either way, he needs to be charged with

Baseless conclusion that it was either one offense he could be charged with or

another while completely dismissing the possibility that it was a simple


Why is it that when cops shoot or kill people it's

always "everybody step back, I'm sure there is a good reason" but when anybody

else does they get charged with murder/assault and let the courts sort it out.
Baseless conclusion that we aren't asking for exactly that. Let the FACTS sort

it out, in court if need be, but STOP jumping to conclusions in the mean

time. Courts and juries can't and you shouldn't either.

I wonder how many normal citizens would still be out of

jail and charged with no crime had they been found with a dead wife and used the

"I was alseep" defense?
Baselessly assuming that his wife is "dead" and that he won't be charged with a

crime and that normal citizens in the same situation would not be given the

benefit of the doubt. Did you forget that normal citizens are also "Innocent

until proven guilty?"

I have made an honest effort to think of any scenario

where a person shoots their wife in bed while she is sleeping and can think of

none without including negligence.
Baselessly concludes that negligence or murder are the only possibilities while

refusing to use his admittedly useless imagination. I gave you several


Looks like he had a reason to kill her...
Baseless conclusion that their prior relationship, though relevant, constitutes motive, despite the fact that we currently know of no developments since before they were remarried.

Switch "murdered" for "shot" and everything I said is still valid.
A childish attempt to dismiss everything else you said that I ripped apart without directly acknowledging them. A lie. Maintaining them in the face of the facts I countered them with is... BASELESS!


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
Really? You're gonna make me show everyone what an idiot you are too? Ok. Here we go....

This isn't about you. It's about what you are doing (ignoring and making up facts to arrive at baseless conclusions). YOU are the one making it personal by insinuating that certain people didn't speak English natively and such (is that even a real insult?). :rolleyes:

Anyway, you asked for it:

Baseless conclusion that it is "bullshit."

-How is that not "bullshit"? It's not even a fucking explanation? You start off right here showing what a total idiot you are by not even supporting your obvious attempt to seem like you win an argument by repeating your bullshit over and over!

Baseless conclusion that she was shot in the head.

-Again, more evidence you are an idiot. How is that baseless? She has made no statement and there have been no announcements about her condition (at the time) and the cops are saying that she is critical. If she were shot in the stomach, you don't think she might have told them what happened? Christ, how daft can you be:rolleyes:

Baseless conclusion that he was incompetent.

-LOL. Ok, I could stop here because this is ALL the evidence I need to show what a fucking idiot you are. But I will continue, because I am thorough, and I don't want you coming back to me with a " didn't address THIS stupid statement I made!".

How is that baseless? He is a police officer who shot his own sleeping wife, and according to him it was an "accident". How many times have you accidentally shot someone? I owned a gun for two years and managed not to even come close! Why is this officer unable to do what millions of american civilian gun owners manage to do their whole lives?

Baseless conclusion that he killed his wife in an act of negligent homicide

before ANY supporting details were known.

- I don't conclude anything, I just state possibilities. More of your bullshit, lets continue.....
Baseless conclusion that it couldn't be an innocent accident before any

supporting details were known.

- "innocent" accident? I'm sorry, but I hold people responsible for being fucking stupid idiots. That probably is impossible for someone like you considering what a total moron you are, but maybe put some effort into it?

Baseless conclusion that it wasn't an innocent accident and that it was a

punishable offense.

- Now you are just repeating yourself to make it appear like you have more to say than you actually do! What is different about this than the last statement? You are so dumb... lol.

Baseless conclusion that he "killed" his wife, who is still alive and improving,

and seekd to get away with it.

- Again, I don't draw conclusions, I just "present possibilities" or as any sane person other than you would call it "speculate". But good job padding your long, idiotic post!

Baseless conclusion that this isn't a simple accident where even a citizen would

be allowed to go free. It happens all the time.

- More of the same bullshit! Any person with common sense could tell you that a normal citizen who was found with his wife shot and "somehow" unresponsive would be charged with at minimum assault! Certainly any officer of the law, in any place other than the US.

Baseless conclusion that he screwed up in a way where an authority should arrest

you. So every soldier who has accidentally shot an innocent trying to protect

other soldiers in a war zone has been arrested? Bull.

- Christ man! Try to keep your thoughts together long enough to write something that isn't painful to the eyes to read. Anyway, this here shows another point that cops do not understand: COPS ARE NOT SOLDIERS AND MY HOME IS NOT A WAR ZONE.

Beyond that easily understood and concise point, who the fuck was this officer protecting? I'd love to hear your answer to this one.

Baseless conclusion that he claimed to have shot her while cleaning the gun...

in the head... while aiming.
-Dude. You are a broken record. See posts above.

Baseless conclusion that the only alternative to your ONE imagined accidental

possibility is murder, ignoring countless other possibilities including several

I provided. Oh yeah, and there goes that pesky tendency to ignore the reality

that she is alive again. :rolleyes:

- "Countless" Possibilities? You provided at best one, and that was that the officer was totally incompetent and fumbled his way into shooting his own wife, critically injuring her. And how am I "avoiding reality" when you are literally inventing bullshit and repeating the same stuff over and over in some vain attempt to seem like you can keep up? Please:rolleyes:

Baseless conclusion about the normalcy of cleaning your gun at 4AM when NO ONE

EVER SAID HE WAS CLEANING HIS GUN. You should have been too ashamed to return to

the thread after that gaffe.

LOL. I owned a gun for 2 years. Not once did I clean it in my bedroom, near another person sleeping, or at 4am. Why is that?

Baseless conclusion that it was either one offense he could be charged with or

another while completely dismissing the possibility that it was a simple

A "simple accident" is not what I would call the near-murder of the wife of the chief of police. That sounds sketchy even in that small sentence. But of course, you were just trying to exonerate the police so you take the interpretation that cops are at once "soldiers" and at the same time, total buffoons who constantly shoot random citizens and who should be forgiven for doing so because, well, who doesn't?

Baseless conclusion that we aren't asking for exactly that. Let the FACTS sort

it out, in court if need be, but STOP jumping to conclusions in the mean

time. Courts and juries can't and you shouldn't either.

What? You state you want facts, then speculate! That is "jumping to conclusions" also, dumbass.

Baselessly assuming that his wife is "dead" and that he won't be charged with a

crime and that normal citizens in the same situation would not be given the

benefit of the doubt. Did you forget that normal citizens are also "Innocent

until proven guilty?"

This is your ONLY concise point, which I already answered. I don't sit there and spend hours reading and responding to your idiocy, that would be a huge waste of my time, so yes I do get ahead of myself sometimes. Anything else?

Baselessly concludes that negligence or murder are the only possibilities while

refusing to use his admittedly useless imagination. I gave you several

This again? Please

Baseless conclusion that their prior relationship, though relevant, constitutes motive, despite the fact that we currently know of no developments since before they were remarried.
- I already stated that I misspoke when I said "motive", but great job stretching a small semantic disagreement into pages of drivel:rolleyes:

A childish attempt to dismiss everything else you said that I ripped apart without directly acknowledging them. A lie. Maintaining them in the face of the facts I countered them with is... BASELESS!

"Ripped apart" huh? I would love to see what you consider losing an argument looks like. You basically just stretched two logical points into an entire page of mind-numbingly boring refutations. Took me very little time to refute each statement but the formatting was horrendous! Did you do that to discourage me from responding? If so, that was the most clever part of the entire post.

I think I left you with some actual questions to answer, lets see if you blow it off and give up...

I will be waiting with bated breath to hear your response:whiste:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Baseless conclusion that

Perhaps we can't really judge him. He might be from a different culture. Maybe he's a Lizard Man, who, when he gets on the Internet, experiences some sort of e-reptile dysfunction, some manifestation of what to ordinary normally functioning people can only appear to be a quality of double dick-headedness, arising, no baseless conclusion here at all, out of the fact that he has two penises, one to type with, and the other to stick in his ear.

Know then, TreVapor, that I personally never had any problem with speculation as such. but only the cold blooded certainty, egotistical hubris, and ersatz authority with which you throw shit at a wall hoping some of it will stick. It's quite insane and dangerous to be able, on the one hand, to manufacture such garbage in such quantity, and then to believe in it as if you had just laid a golden turd. Look at yourself less as judge, jury, and executioner, and more as a humble student.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
Perhaps we can't really judge him. He might be from a different culture. Maybe he's a Lizard Man, who, when he gets on the Internet, experiences some sort of e-reptile dysfunction, some manifestation of what to ordinary normally functioning people can only appear to be a quality of double dick-headedness, arising, no baseless conclusion here at all, out of the fact that he has two penises, one to type with, and the other to stick in his ear.

Know then, TreVapor, that I personally never had any problem with speculation as such. but only the cold blooded certainty, egotistical hubris, and ersatz authority with which you throw shit at a wall hoping some of it will stick. It's quite insane and dangerous to be able, on the one hand, to manufacture such garbage in such quantity, and then to believe in it as if you had just laid a golden turd. Look at yourself less as judge, jury, and executioner, and more as a humble student.

Moonbumkin as I stated before you will have to tell me where you are from before I will take you seriously.

As for the rest of this post, whatever. I finally get you to quit using metaphors and you switch to turning this into some sort of vocabulary contest?

Quit being a fucking child.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2013
I'd also like to add Moonbumkin that it's convenient that when you reply to me you never actually quote the post you are replying to. It allows you to seem like you know what you are talking about.

If a person were to read my post, then your response after, they wouldn't get the right impression, would they? Or would you just sound like a fucking moron?

You say I'm cold-blooded, but you just don't get it. I am not here to make friends nor am I here to necessarily educate anybody on politics. I am here to debate, and I treat my avatar as its own little sovereign state. And not just any sovereign state, I'm North Korea. I'm at war with everyone except maybe one guy, and even he doesn't really like me all that much.

And that's how I like it.
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Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Perhaps we can't really judge him. He might be from a different culture. Maybe he's a Lizard Man, who, when he gets on the Internet, experiences some sort of e-reptile dysfunction, some manifestation of what to ordinary normally functioning people can only appear to be a quality of double dick-headedness, arising, no baseless conclusion here at all, out of the fact that he has two penises, one to type with, and the other to stick in his ear.

Know then, TreVapor, that I personally never had any problem with speculation as such. but only the cold blooded certainty, egotistical hubris, and ersatz authority with which you throw shit at a wall hoping some of it will stick. It's quite insane and dangerous to be able, on the one hand, to manufacture such garbage in such quantity, and then to believe in it as if you had just laid a golden turd. Look at yourself less as judge, jury, and executioner, and more as a humble student.

Absolutely great point and one I tried to get across earlier. There is a major difference between speculation and discussing various scenarios compared to making a final judgement while condemning the person.


Dec 11, 2006
If it was intentional, and she really was asleep, she would be shot in the most lethal place possible and and a highly believable scenario would have been given to the 911 dispatcher.

That is one of the biggest things that makes me think it wasn't intentional. Being a Chief of police he would have a very good story already made up and rehearsed, not this half baked story that he gave to the 911 operator.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
That is one of the biggest things that makes me think it wasn't intentional. Being a Chief of police he would have a very good story already made up and rehearsed, not this half baked story that he gave to the 911 operator.

If it was cold blood he probably would have cooked up a decent scheme. There is the chance it could have been a rage kill, but he didn't sound too pumped up in the 9/11 call.


Dec 11, 2006
Good thing there are more non-negligent freak accident scenarios than the cat one. :) Remember when I said...;)

Heck, there are negligent scenarios that don't involve pointing and aiming either. He could have tried to toss it off the bed or something stupid when it discharged.

The Glock 17 weighs right around 2 lbs with a fully loaded 17 round magazine. There are a couple different models, the standard everyday model which has a 5 lb trigger pull and a few models made specifically for LEO that have much heavier trigger pulls (8lbs and 12lbs).

Lets assume he was smart and had the standard Glock 17, you could literally dangle the weapon by the trigger, the full weight of the gun pulling against the trigger, and the gun will not go off.

So now that we have those facts out of the way, lets talk trigger safety. The Glock 17 has a very good trigger safety. It has to be pulled in a very specific way (like a finger pulling straight back on the bottom of the trigger). This is designed to prevent foreign objects that might get into the trigger guard from being able to accidentally discharge the weapon and it works very well. So throwing the weapon onto the bed is almost impossible to cause it to discharge. I can't imagine anything in the bed that would have caught the trigger in the perfect spot AND have at least 5 lbs (probably much more to remain in the proper position to disengage the safety and discharge the gun without moving out of position) of resistance. So based on the above facts I think it is very safe to assume that it was not a foreign object that pulled the trigger.

That means the most plausible way, hell the only plausible way that I can think of given the fact they were in bed, that the trigger was pulled was by his finger. Since he admitted that he was moving the gun, that puts the gun in his hand and the only plausible way for the trigger getting pulled that I can think of is his finger.

I am open to any sort of speculation you might have as to how a very effective trigger safety and at the very least 5 lbs of pressure was put on the trigger, while his hand was on the gun, gut pulled while the gun was in his hand if not for his finger.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Looked up "Glock 17 accidental discharge" and the images had some freak causes on there. In one the holster crinkled in just the right spot and caused the gun to go off when being holstered. One looks to have gotten the trigger caught in the string clip on a pair of nylon pants. One guy seems to have been getting into his truck when it went off.

Again, it makes me really curious to see what they release to the public as the cause and if they will pursue charges.


Dec 11, 2006
Looked up "Glock 17 accidental discharge" and the images had some freak causes on there. In one the holster crinkled in just the right spot and caused the gun to go off when being holstered. One looks to have gotten the trigger caught in the string clip on a pair of nylon pants. One guy seems to have been getting into his truck when it went off.

Again, it makes me really curious to see what they release to the public as the cause and if they will pursue charges.

Exactly my point, I can't imagine anything being in the bed that could have snagged the trigger AND have enough weight/resistance to pull the trigger. Furthermore, since the gun was obviously facing his wife he would have had to push the gun towards her in order for a foreign object to discharge the weapon.

Who knows, maybe they are in to some really kinky shit and one of their toys/props caught the trigger. Maybe it came out of the holster and he was pushing it back in while pointed at his wife (violates rule #1) and something caught the trigger. I still think the most plausible answer is he grabbed the gun to move it and accidentally pulled the trigger as he picked it up, which imo is negligence as is the holster scenario, not sure about the sex toy scenario...

Seeing as it was 4am on New Years I am also curious if alcohol was involved.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
Exactly my point, I can't imagine anything being in the bed that could have snagged the trigger AND have enough weight/resistance to pull the trigger. Furthermore, since the gun was obviously facing his wife he would have had to push the gun towards her in order for a foreign object to discharge the weapon.

Who knows, maybe they are in to some really kinky shit and one of their toys/props caught the trigger. Maybe it came out of the holster and he was pushing it back in while pointed at his wife (violates rule #1) and something caught the trigger. I still think the most plausible answer is he grabbed the gun to move it and accidentally pulled the trigger as he picked it up, which imo is negligence as is the holster scenario, not sure about the sex toy scenario...

Seeing as it was 4am on New Years I am also curious if alcohol was involved.

Haha didn't think of the kinky stuff. Seems kind of cliche that he'd have it under his pillow. But maybe he was tossing and turning his pillow and it got caught up in his hand? If it was kinky stuff, it might be too embarrassing to release that info! :)