GeForce3 Performance FAQ


Mar 15, 2001
Here are some Questions & Answers for GeForce3
1. Is GeForce3 genuinely a new generation of video card?
2. What is the shining/buying point of GeForce3 at present for consumers?
3. What are the performances of GeForce3 can be expected in running contents today?
4. Is an Athlon 800MHz powerful enough to exert the capability of GeForce3 completely?
5. What the performance boosts of GeForce3 over GeForce2 Ultra can be expected?
6. Will GeForce3 have a better antialiasing image quality than that of GeForce2 Ultra?
7. With the same video memory speed and lower video core speed, why GeForce3 has better performance than GeForce2 Ultra?
8. How the Lightspeed Memory Architecture boosts the performances of GeForce3?
9. How the HSAA through Multisampling boosts the AA performances of GeForce3?



Oct 14, 1999
Not to be cynical but the MOST important question was not asked.

Why does this card cost so much ?

While I understand the super things this card can and will do the common gamer cannot not
afford it. With the economy going the way it is now sales of these cards will be very bad I predict. Tech reviews/questions such as these tantilize our desires but even if the pipelines
were 3x what they are speced to be no one will pay that price right now, except the the gotta have an upgrade crowd.

We all except the specs as awesome, it's just most of us won't be able to do anything about it.



Golden Member
Jan 1, 2001
Well, the Geforce 2 when it came out was $350, for about one week. The second week, I was able to get a Creative for $228 (but that was when had the $30 off of $150 still) so I don't think the G3 will stay that high forever, or even a month.


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 1999
If the card can truly do 1024x780x32 w/4x FSAA and maintain a playable framerate I would consider buying it once the price drops a bit. I do mostly racing sims and the FSAA is a must for me since using the V5. Other than that, the memory architecture and GPU capabilities won't be much of a factor until games are written specifically to take advantage of the GF3.



Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2000
1. yes read the previews
2. None really exept having progarmable t&l that will be obsolete by the time games use it.
3. Same as GF2 ultra
4. NO but this is subjective no cpu can max the card at 800*600*16 but almost anything can at 1600*1200*32
5.Almost nothing, save fsaa
6. Yes
7. No the exesive core speed on the ultra can do nothing because the memory on the card is way too slow to keep up.
8. It compresses z buffer reads(and more read the previews)
9. It does not write the samples to memory before combining them(I think)


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 1999
>>2. None really exept having progarmable t&l that will be obsolete by
>> the time games use it.

I think the programability of the GF3 will lengthen it's lifespan but it depends on how well recieved the architecture is by programmers. I think also that Nvidia and other card/chip manufacturers are or will start to realize that consumers are going to start getting a sense of diminishing returns. Never has there been so many quality (fast and inexpensive) video cards available. People shelled out $600 for V2 sli setups because there was simply no other solution that came close to it in performance. I think the product cycles will start to slow down as companies try to recoup R&D costs by stretching product cycles. I think hardware developers are also gonna realize they can't get too far out of sync with software.

>>7. No the exesive core speed on the ultra can do nothing because the
>> memory on the card is way too slow to keep up.

If the code takes full advantage of the memory crossbar technology some amazing stuff is possible. Code fully optimized for GF3 should be able to fly.

I own 2 Voodoo 5s so I'm not a Nvidiot...I just think they are doing some potentially cool things with this card. Is it worth the pricetag..depends on how much you like FSAA and how well other next gen cards perform.

These are just my opinions and food for thought. Please keep this thread civil.


Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2000

<< If the code takes full advantage of the memory crossbar technology some amazing stuff is possible. Code fully optimized for GF3 should be able to fly. >>

I dont see what that has to do whith what I said about the GF2 Ultra core speed