Originally posted by: classy
Originally posted by: Yo_Ma-Ma
Originally posted by: classy
And I'll go on record right now and say homosexual marriage will never ever be accepted. Even those who aren't religous find it disgusting and abnormal. It is rejected by every religion that I know of. You might as well forget it.
I think there are some churches where it will not happen, but as a legal, civil contract, I think it's just a matter of time and effort.
Every state that had a vote on an amendment to ban gay marriage in their state constitutions passed. And quite convincingly as well. The states that allow it had judges rule in favor gays, those states haven't heard from the people in those states yet. When they have a vote like the other states it will be shot down.
Wait, its not accepted? Maybe in the United States, but goto Canada or most of europe. Its widely accepted.
I don't like gay marraige or gay sex, I personally find really disgusting including lesbians.
The thing is, it doesn't really hurt me and its not like it making me perform gay sex. Why should I care?