Funny, I was just thinking about this the other day! Would it be possible to implement a SS matching system based on perhaps account age or postcount? I've gotten people who have low or infrequent postcounts in the past, and nothing against them, but it can be wicked hard to figure out a good gift when they don't have a similar post history for you to search through, especially when they also don't fill out much information on the form. For me, a big part of ATOT SS is getting & receiving unique, personalized gifts as fun items rather than just shipping out a run-of-the-mill Secret Santa present & it's more useful to have a good form & decent postcount to peruse rather than just kind of guessing at it.
I don't exactly know how to properly implement something like that, especially since such a broad number of people sign up every year, and definitely wouldn't want to exclude anyone, but that's something to think about. I've had a couple people who have essentially disappeared from the forum forever after the SS program, so it'd be kind of fun to match up people who interact with other people who have similar levels of interaction. I don't think I'm saying this right, but hopefully you get the idea. Lurkers vs. regulars & so on. Not necessarily an easy thing to do because we have some really great people here who simply don't post very often.