Here for those of you who want to save gas at a price minimum.
Q: Good day...I am very impressed with your fabulous device. I am on a restricted budget of 7$ a day and cannot possible afford this state of the art device. It seems like I might be able to fabricate one myself...if you do not mind, and i hope i will not cause any patent infringemens, could you send me some detailed dimensions and perhaps some plans so I can attemt to make my own? You will in no way be liable for any death that may occur to my person due to improper use of your ingenious invention. Thanks you and good luck
A: The dimensions are This thick <-----------------> this high <----------------------------------------------------------------> and this wide <------------------------------------------------------------>
Q: Can I get it in carbon fibre? We all know that gives you 10Hp+ in weight savings. Thanks!
A: We can cover it with carbon fiber stickers for an extra charge of $20USD. That isn't as good as real carbon but would still give you 7-8Hp !