I am confused on which one to get. I am on a tight budget and i think I can get one out of 2 options.
The games I play are
I also have a PS2 so I am used to playing the last 4 games on the list on a PS2.
I play GTA SA online with multi player and I have heard that the controller does not work good for it.
The problem is I play GTA SA online ALOT.
Should I get a cheap normal mouse and a controller or a good gaming mouse and no controller?
The games I play are
- COD Blackops
- COD Mw2
- Fifa 2011
- Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Need 4 Speed Hot Pursuit 2011
- Hitman Blood Money
- Bully
- GTA Vice City
I also have a PS2 so I am used to playing the last 4 games on the list on a PS2.
I play GTA SA online with multi player and I have heard that the controller does not work good for it.
The problem is I play GTA SA online ALOT.
Should I get a cheap normal mouse and a controller or a good gaming mouse and no controller?