Games for Old Laptop


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2003
I recently inherited an old laptop and was looking for some small games to put on it. The specs are: Pentium II 266mhz, 96mb ram, 4gb hdd, 4mb video card. I've put Starcraft on and its working fine. What other old games like Starcraft can I run on this laptop?
Oct 9, 1999
heroes of might and magic two

best game EVAR!!!

i just sold my think pad 266mhz 4gig 163 meg, sounds like you got one too? 600?

quake 2 ran fine as low res or window mod, HL1 ran ok but not totally smooth. red alert ran fine for me.\

i now have a 400mhz 256 ram w/ xp pro and play the same games on it although im gonna try HL1/CS this week.