

Junior Member
Aug 19, 2016
Hello Anandtech'ers. Currently I am living in Seoul. I study here as an exchange student. I have recently attended G-NEXT Game Jam about a week ago. It’s a game jam that is organized at the Startup Campus in Pangyo Gyeonggi-do of Korea. The theme of the gamejam was SUMMER STORY. I must say that the games that I saw at the game jam were quite amazing. All of them looked really good, I have seen so many good games at the event.
They were really impressive, but the game I probably like the most and related the best to the theme of this summer, was the game called Fairplay. It was the most fun game at the event. It’s a game that is most definitely inspired by the Rio Olympics and the thought behind it: ‘play fair’. The characters of the game looked very cute and even though it was a button masher game, it managed to be exciting by changing up the controls in every mini game. I played a weightlifting game, a swimming game and a running game during the demo and it all felt very natural to me. I loved it.
When you’re in Korea, you should definitely check out the indie scene here. It’s quite amazing to experience the creativeness here.

Check it out: