Game Freezing Problems


Nov 27, 2001
I joked that I'm technologically cursed, but I think it might be true :p.

To start off... here is my system:

Core i7 860 (no OC, Turbo and Speedstep enabled)
ASUS P7P55D-E Premium Motherboard
4x 2GB G.Skill DDR3 PC3 10666
2x Intel X25-M 80GB SSD
300GB Western Digital Velociraptor

The rest probably isn't a big deal. I just used NewEgg links for those if the basic description isn't enough.

Now... down to the meat and potatoes of the problem.

The first SSD is used for my OS. The second is used for my primary games, which right now consists of World of Warcraft and StarCraft II. I have Steam installed on the Velociraptor along with my Firefox cache and my pagefile. Well, the problem comes when I play either WoW or SC2, the game will simply randomly freeze up. With WoW, I can just open another instance (but not actually log in) and the game will come back. I cannot do this with SC2 though. I've had both games crash in the past with memory errors:

Here is one from 8/10:
This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal Exception
Program: D:\World of Warcraft\WoW.exe
Exception: 0xC0000005 (ACCESS_VIOLATION) at 0023:77B72840

The instruction at "0x77B72840" referenced memory at "0x138145BA".
The memory could not be "read".
I restarted and checked my memory and it came through clean. I upgraded the SSDs from firmware 02HA to 02HD ( the latest ). I was fine tonight while playing SC2, but I was in WoW for a bit and the game froze up on me. I ran the WoW repair tool to see if it could fix anything and the tool literally took almost an hour and a half to run ( which is a very long time for it ). The tool seemed to get snagged up on certain files, which could mean it found that they were corrupt and needed to be re-downloaded.

Although it got stuck a lot, this is all the log reports:

# System started at 2010-08-18 03:39:31.5651
# system: I7-860
05:33:22.9832 --
05:33:22.9833 Write 262144 bytes to the position of 1020455 - Launcher.exe
05:33:23.9343 --
05:33:23.9343 Write 205145 bytes to the position of 4690471 - Launcher.exe
05:33:23.9344 Write 1870 bytes to the position of 0 - Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
05:33:23.9345 Write 55129 bytes to the position of 0 - Wow.exe
05:33:24.6763 --
05:33:24.6764 Write 28121 bytes to the position of 385575 - DivxDecoder.dll
05:33:24.6765 Write 234023 bytes to the position of 0 - Launcher.exe
05:33:25.2843 --
05:33:25.2843 Write 262144 bytes to the position of 758311 - Launcher.exe
05:33:25.9604 --
05:33:25.9605 Write 262144 bytes to the position of 1282599 - Launcher.exe
I also ran the SC2 repair tool and oddly enough while it also lagged up quite a bit, it only replaced repair.exe... I wonder if I should have faith in its repair job if the repair tool was broken :p.

So I only have three culprits in my mind... memory, motherboard or SSD. The motherboard has been troublesome to me so far (mostly software-wise), but I'm not really sold that this is a great suspect. The memory... well, it's been tested and didn't show any errors. I did adjust the memory voltage from 1.55V in the BIOS to 1.50V, which is the spec listed on the manufacturer's site. This did not seem to make a difference.

So, the only suspect left is the SSD, which nothing is perfect. My piece of evidence that points to the SSD is actually Steam. According to Steam, I've played Borderlands for 83.8 hours so far and I'm fairly certain that the game has never crashed or hung up. So if it were a problem with the memory, shouldn't it (most likely) have occurred with this game as well? Both drives are on the same SATA controller, so that may also excuse the motherboard.

I'm mostly fishing for thoughts here. I've considered simply seeing if SC2 starts messing up again and maybe throwing one (or both) of the games on my main SSD (it has enough room) and then seeing if they still freeze. My OS seems to behave well enough that I can exclude the OS SSD as a source of problems.


Sep 1, 2009
Try deleting your page file and rebooting immediately after. I've had a *lot* of those pesky blue screens go away forever by removing the page file and letting Windows start over with a new one. After rebooting, be sure to test out your handiwork by bashing your spiky club around in WoW or doing... whatever... in Starcraft (you can tell I'm not much of a gamer, amirite?)

If the Vile BSoD Monster goes away for a little while but comes back after a bit, then there's something wierdo going on inside your page file that's far more technical than I have the brains for. If it immediately comes back, try making the page file stay one size and one size only (specifically, 1.5x RAM size, for you that is 6GB), so that it can't get screwed up if Windows decides to be a moron and change the size of the page file.

Hope that helps.


Nov 27, 2001
Oh, they aren't blue screens. Although, I think I did actually have a blue screen once which was the ever so fun "Page Fault in Non-Paged Area". My page file is currently 1x the size of my ram (8GB).


Sep 1, 2009
You might try the page file kablooey thingy anyway, just for the halibut. It has a habit of vaporizing all sorts of errors.


Dec 25, 2009
If you have a spare SATA cable, try replacing a cable just in case. If you do not have one available, swap the SATA cable between velociraptor and the suspect SSD to see if the problem migrates to velociraptor. However, do not use the cable from the good SSD, or you'd break the boot process.