From the No Sh1T Sherlock Dept:12-3-04 Report - Having sex is the high point of most women's' days


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
More from the No Sh1t Dept:

This had to go here.

Another study showing women may be more sex fiends than men. No surprise.

12-3-2004 Having sex is the high point of most women's' days

WASHINGTON - Having sex is the high point of most women's' days, while commuting is the low point. And most women like being with their kids less than they will admit, according to a study published on Thursday.

10-20-2004 Report Cites Corruption in Oil Nations

Eigen said oil companies could help stamp out corruption by publishing details of the fees, royalties and other payments made to governments and state oil companies.

"In these countries, public contracting in the oil sector is plagued by revenues vanishing into the pockets of Western oil executives, middlemen and local officials," he said.
Can you say Haliburton/Cheney/Bush???

9-28-2004 Health Insurance Costs Rise Faster Than Wages

Health insurance premiums for workers are rising around three times faster than their wages, and health costs eat up a quarter of earnings for more than 14 million Americans, according to a survey on Tuesday.

"As a result, workers are paying much more in premiums but are receiving less health coverage, wages are being depressed; and millions of people have lost health coverage entirely."

The cost of health insurance premiums rose by nearly 36 percent on average from 2000 to 2004 in 35 states, said the group, which bills itself as a nonpartisan watchdog on health care issues. Average earnings rose just 12 percent over the same time.

Families USA said it found 85.2 million people went without health insurance for some time during 2003 and 2004.

In 2003-2004, one out of every three Americans under 65 years of age went without health insurance for some period of time. Over half of these people were uninsured for at least nine months," the group said.

"The number of people who were uninsured at some point in 2003-2004 exceeds the combined population of 32 states and the District of Columbia," Pollack added. "This is an epidemic that requires immediate attention."

For the report Families USA used data compiled and analyzed by The Lewin Group from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services .

This group used CAD's and the rest of the Proud Neocons on here to make this great Legacy of a report of the Bush Presidency.

Thank you very much Fearless Liar Useless President.

I can speak personally because I am one of the Uninsured.

6-14-2004 U.S. Hispanic, Asian Populations Keep Growing

WASHINGTON - Explosive growth among Hispanics and Asians fueled a surge in the U.S. population between 2000 and 2003 as the national count pushed closer to 300 million.

Hispanics, the nation's largest minority group, rose 13 percent between April 2000 and July 2003 to 39.9 million, according to Census Bureau.

"This is the story of the whole United States now," Logan said. "It's not just a New York or Los Angeles phenomenon."

That far outpaced the 3 percent increase in the American populace during the same time, to 290.8 million

Oceans becoming a cesspool, No Sh1t Sherlocks:

4-21-2004 Oceans in deep trouble; U.S. must help, panel says

"More than 37 million people, 19 million homes and countless businesses have been added to coastal areas"

a federal commission on Tuesday called for sweeping changes in how the U.S. manages the oceans,
Yeah right, like the Rich Boys Club would do that :roll:

4-15-2004 <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Rumsfeld: Iraq Toll Higher Than Expected </a>

Cutting all the trees down will do that to ya:

3-20-2004 <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">CO2 Hits Record Levels, Researchers Find </a>

MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY, Hawaii - Carbon dioxide, the gas largely blamed for global warming, has reached record-high levels in the atmosphere after growing at an accelerated pace in the past year, say scientists monitoring the sky from this 2-mile-high station atop a Hawaiian volcano.

Asked to explain the stepped-up rate, climatologists were cautious, saying data needed to be further evaluated. But Asia immediately sprang to mind.

"China is taking off economically and burning a lot of fuel. India, too," said Pieter Tans, a prominent carbon-cycle expert at NOAA's Boulder lab.

3-15-2004 <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Workers see few benefits from pro-business policies</a>

Corporate profits are up 30% since the end of the 2001 recession, according to the Commerce Department.

And dividends paid by the Standard &amp; Poor's 500 companies have increased 19% in the past two years. By contrast, 2.3 million jobs have disappeared since 2001. And weekly earnings for the average worker in 2003 rose just half of one percent in two years.

Those were not the results corporate lobbyists promised in 2003 when they won $148 billion in pro-business tax cuts over five years. Among them:

Lower capital gains taxes. Businesses said reducing the tax on stock-sale profits from 20% to 15% would stimulate investment in their growth and create high-paying jobs. Instead, much of the money has paid for new technology that lets firms produce more with the same or fewer workers. The efficiency gains have fattened profits more than paychecks, government data show.

Lower stock dividend taxes. Congress cut tax rates on stock dividends from a high of 38.5% to 15% as another way to spur investment in companies so they would expand. But some economists say the break is prompting companies to focus on raising dividends by squeezing jobs and wages.

Now the business community is seeking up to $11 billion a year in new tax breaks it says will boost U.S. jobs and exports.

In light of business' failure to deliver on earlier promises of job and wage growth, worker-friendly ways to stimulate the economy are worth exploring first.

Business groups say strong economic growth soon will pay off as companies hire new workers and give current employees raises so they don't look for jobs elsewhere.

But similar predictions a year ago that jobs are just around the corner still haven't come true. Until those jobs materialize, corporate claims that policies good for business are good for the country will ring hollow.

2-27-2004 <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Smoke Pollution Makes for Stronger Storms </a>

Smoke drifting from burning forests in the Amazon is affecting the climate across the entire continent -- drying up rain but making the storms that do develop much more violent than usual, scientists reported on Thursday.

Smoke rises to the clouds, delaying the release of rain and allowing the clouds to grow taller than they otherwise would, the researchers said.

Higher clouds produce violent thunderstorms, and while less rain falls to the ground, it often comes in the form of hail and thunderstorms instead of more nourishing, gentle rains, they said.

Plus the storms push the smoke into higher atmospheric levels, allowing it to be carried far and wide, the international team reports in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

"The invigorated storms release the latent heat higher in the atmosphere," they wrote in their report. "This should substantially affect the regional and global circulation systems."

They found the tiny smoke particles caused the water in the clouds to form minuscule drops that were too small to fall to the ground.

These can then be carried into higher levels of the atmosphere to freeze into chunks of ice, which fall as hail or big raindrops, they wrote.

There are plenty of sources for this disruptive smoke, they noted.

"Several hundred thousand deforestation and agricultural fires burn in Amazonia during the dry season each year, covering vast areas with dense smoke," they wrote.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999
I find myself curiously amused when arguably one of the must clueless individuals to ever inhabit the planet makes proclamations like "no sh1t sherlock" when speaking of the meteorological effects of deforestation and smoke. You go girl.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: Corn
I find myself curiously amused when arguably one of the must clueless individuals to ever inhabit the planet makes proclamations like "no sh1t sherlock" when speaking of the meteorological effects of deforestation and smoke. You go girl.

Maybe "the most clueless" but obviously entertaining. :D


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Another from the No Sh1t Sherlock Dept:

If you're on the verge of getting pnuemonia don't load up on fluids:

2-27-2004 Advice to Drink Liquids During a Cold Questioned

Drinking plenty of fluids while suffering from a cold or respiratory infection could cause more harm than good, researchers said Friday.

Doctors often recommend drinking liquids to prevent dehydration but Chris Del Mar, of the University of Queensland in Australia, said not enough research has been done to prove it is good advice.

"We found data to suggest that giving fluids to patients with respiratory infections may cause harm," Del Mar said in a report in the British Medical Journal.

The body releases large amounts of a water-conserving hormone when a person has a respiratory infection such as a cold or bronchitis.

Drinking more when these levels are high could lead to fluid overload and a condition known as hyponatraemia, or low concentrations of sodium which is needed for normal body functions.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
2-27-2004 Internet is quick way to campaign cash in US, but not to election victory: experts

"It takes more than the Internet" to win an election, Cornfield said.

The Internet revolutionized the way election money is raised and information is gathered in US politics, but it has failed to place a new breed of politicians in power, experts on politics and the web said.

We have not had a revolution, we have not had people in power thrown out and a new generation or a new type of political ideology empowered," Michael Cornfield, author of "Politics Moves Online: Campaigning and the Internet," told AFP after a discussion on the topic at the National Press Club here.

Zack Exley, the organizing director of, a liberal political website, said Dean lacked presidential stature.

"Because he was really short, because he didn't move his head when he talked and that freaked people out, and because of that fateful scream" Dean did not look "presidential," Exley said, referring to the widely played yelp Dean let out after his defeat in the Iowa caucuses.

The current Democratic frontrunner, Senator John Kerry, who has a "weak Internet presence at the moment," should use his website to rally voters, said Joshua Micah Marshall, a political columnist.

Meanwhile, President George W. Bush, a Republican who Kerry hopes to face in the November election, has a campaign web page that is "sweet technologically" and imitates Dean's website, Cornfield said.
The No Sh1t Sherlock articles and reports just keep coming today


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
gatorade and chicken soup (and not the low sodium kind)


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
More from the No Sh1t Dept:

3-15-2004 Workers see few benefits from pro-business policies

Corporate profits are up 30% since the end of the 2001 recession, according to the Commerce Department.

And dividends paid by the Standard & Poor's 500 companies have increased 19% in the past two years. By contrast, 2.3 million jobs have disappeared since 2001. And weekly earnings for the average worker in 2003 rose just half of one percent in two years.

Those were not the results corporate lobbyists promised in 2003 when they won $148 billion in pro-business tax cuts over five years. Among them:

Lower capital gains taxes. Businesses said reducing the tax on stock-sale profits from 20% to 15% would stimulate investment in their growth and create high-paying jobs. Instead, much of the money has paid for new technology that lets firms produce more with the same or fewer workers. The efficiency gains have fattened profits more than paychecks, government data show.

Lower stock dividend taxes. Congress cut tax rates on stock dividends from a high of 38.5% to 15% as another way to spur investment in companies so they would expand. But some economists say the break is prompting companies to focus on raising dividends by squeezing jobs and wages.

Now the business community is seeking up to $11 billion a year in new tax breaks it says will boost U.S. jobs and exports.

In light of business' failure to deliver on earlier promises of job and wage growth, worker-friendly ways to stimulate the economy are worth exploring first.

Business groups say strong economic growth soon will pay off as companies hire new workers and give current employees raises so they don't look for jobs elsewhere.

But similar predictions a year ago that jobs are just around the corner still haven't come true. Until those jobs materialize, corporate claims that policies good for business are good for the country will ring hollow.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Cutting all the trees down will do that to ya:

3-20-2004 CO2 Hits Record Levels, Researchers Find

MAUNA LOA OBSERVATORY, Hawaii - Carbon dioxide, the gas largely blamed for global warming, has reached record-high levels in the atmosphere after growing at an accelerated pace in the past year, say scientists monitoring the sky from this 2-mile-high station atop a Hawaiian volcano.

Asked to explain the stepped-up rate, climatologists were cautious, saying data needed to be further evaluated. But Asia immediately sprang to mind.

"China is taking off economically and burning a lot of fuel. India, too," said Pieter Tans, a prominent carbon-cycle expert at NOAA's Boulder lab.



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
No disrespect to the disceased or their families but the statement by these idiots belongs in this Dept:

4-15-2004 Rumsfeld: Iraq Toll Higher Than Expected

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday that the death toll of U.S. troops in recent fighting in Iraq was higher than he had expected, acknowledging a change in plans as he announced thousands of soldiers won't be coming home as early as promised.

"I certainly would not have estimated that we would have had the number of individuals lost that we have had lost in the last week."

"The situation on the ground, I readily concede, is tough work," Bush said. "We've got good people there working it, and some have paid the highest price of all."

Gen. George Casey, the Army vice chief of staff, told reporters Thursday that he believes these soldiers accept that their first obligation is to succeed in the mission.

"Everybody's disappointed," he said. "Does it create morale problems? Depends on the strength of the unit. These guys will always place the mission first. Every soldier understands that."
God Speed guys & gals despite the numbnuts that are supposed to be your leaders.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
All the NeoCons in here followed the idiot on this one and believed that prices would actually go down.

Not one person could answer my question of have you ever seen prices go down?

Except the Wacky Wally World Ads of course:

4-20-2004 Greenspan: U.S. Deflation Threat Now Past

"It's fairly apparent that pricing power is gradually being restored and, as I'll indicate tomorrow, threats of deflation, which were a significant concern last year, by all indications, are no longer an issue for us," Greenspan said


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
No disrespect to the disceased or their families but the statement by these idiots belongs in this Dept:

4-15-2004 <a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=";u=/ap/20040415/ap_on_re_mi_ea/us_iraq_military_3">Rumsfeld: Iraq Toll Higher Than Expected </a>

WASHINGTON - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Thursday that the death toll of U.S. troops in recent fighting in Iraq was higher than he had expected, acknowledging a change in plans as he announced thousands of soldiers won't be coming home as early as promised.

"I certainly would not have estimated that we would have had the number of individuals lost that we have had lost in the last week."

"The situation on the ground, I readily concede, is tough work," Bush said. "We've got good people there working it, and some have paid the highest price of all."

Gen. George Casey, the Army vice chief of staff, told reporters Thursday that he believes these soldiers accept that their first obligation is to succeed in the mission.

"Everybody's disappointed," he said. "Does it create morale problems? Depends on the strength of the unit. These guys will always place the mission first. Every soldier understands that."
God Speed guys &amp; gals despite the numbnuts that are supposed to be your leaders.

Rumsfeld probably figured the only casualties would be from soldiers with allergic reactions to the many roses thrown at their feet


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Oceans becoming a cesspool, No Sh1t Sherlocks:

4-21-2004 Oceans in deep trouble; U.S. must help, panel says

"More than 37 million people, 19 million homes and countless businesses have been added to coastal areas"

a federal commission on Tuesday called for sweeping changes in how the U.S. manages the oceans,
Yeah right, like the Rich Boys Club would do that :roll:


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
6-14-2004 U.S. Hispanic, Asian Populations Keep Growing

WASHINGTON - Explosive growth among Hispanics and Asians fueled a surge in the U.S. population between 2000 and 2003 as the national count pushed closer to 300 million.

Hispanics, the nation's largest minority group, rose 13 percent between April 2000 and July 2003 to 39.9 million, according to Census Bureau.

"This is the story of the whole United States now," Logan said. "It's not just a New York or Los Angeles phenomenon."

That far outpaced the 3 percent increase in the American populace during the same time, to 290.8 million


Jan 10, 2002
THe US helps them become a cesspool every single day.. why do they need more of our help?


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
CEOs who outsource receive big pay raises

NEW YORK ? CEOs at companies that outsource the most U.S. jobs are rewarded with bigger paychecks, according to a new report, "Executive Excess 2004: Campaign Contributions, Outsourcing, Unexpensed Stock Options and Rising CEO Pay."

Average CEO compensation at the 50 firms outsourcing the most service jobs increased by 46 percent in 2003 compared with a 9 percent average increase for all CEOs at the 365 large companies surveyed by Business Week. Top outsourcers earned an average of $10.4 million in 2003, 28 percent more than the average CEO compensation of $8.1 million. From 2001 to 2003, the top 50 outsourcing CEOs earned $2.2 billion while sending an estimated 200,000 jobs overseas.

Political contributions also appear to pay off. CEOs of the 70 companies that sponsored this summer?s Democratic and Republican national conventions saw their pay jump 49 percent in 2003, far outpacing the 9 percent raise for the average large company CEO. Similarly, the 38 CEOs who have personally raised at least $100,000 for either the Bush or Kerry presidential campaigns earned an average of $15.1 million in 2003, 86 percent more than the average large company CEO.

One sign of the political clout of corporate leaders is the current effort in Congress to block new rules that would require corporations to report all stock option grants as expenses in their financial statements. Current accounting rules have encouraged lavish options grants to executives. The report calculates that corporations have claimed an estimated $3.9 billion in tax deductions related to stock options exercised by 350 leading CEOs since 1997.

After two years of narrowing, the CEO-to-worker wage gap is rising again. The CEO pay to worker pay ratio reached 301-to-1 in 2003, up from 282-to-1 in 2002. If the minimum wage had increased as quickly as CEO pay since 1990, it would today be $15.76 per hour, rather than the $5.15 per hour.

"Executive Excess 2004" profiles the CEO pay practices and political contributions for the 15 companies that outsourced the most US service jobs: United Technologies, Citigroup, Oracle, Bank of America, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Morgan Stanley, Intuit, SBC Communications, Conseco, JP Morgan Chase, Sprint, Bank of New York, Time Warner, General Electric and American Express.

Bank of America, for example, cut nearly 5,000 U.S. jobs while outsourcing up to 1,100 jobs to India in 2003. In July, the firm announced plans to cut another 12,500 U.S. jobs in the next two years. Meanwhile, CEO Kenneth Lewis received $37.9 million in compensation in 2003, nearly 110 percent more than in 2002. Bank of America?s PAC has made $576,319 in contributions in the 2003-2004 election cycle.

The outsourcing of service jobs to low-wage countries has further widened the pay gap between workers and their bosses. Now, the pay gap between U.S. CEOs and American call center workers is 400-to-1, while the gap between U.S. CEOs and Indian call center workers is 3,348-to-1.

Authored by Sarah Anderson, John Cavanagh, Chris Hartman, Scott Klinger, and Stacey Chan, "Executive Excess 2004" is the 11th annual CEO pay study by the Institute for Policy Studies and United for a Fair Economy. The Institute for Policy Studies is an independent center for progressive research and education in Washington, D.C. United for a Fair Economy is a national organization based in Boston that spotlights growing economic inequality.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
This one goes in the No Sh1t Sherlock thread:

8-27-2004 Now It's Official: U.S. Growth Slowed

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. economy slowed more sharply in the second quarter than first thought as oil prices rose and the trade gap swelled, the government said on Friday in a report that confirmed momentum faltered in the spring.

Rapidly fading fiscal stimulus, a collapse in mortgage refinancing and sharply higher energy costs reduced households' purchasing power," said Steven Wood, an economist at Insight Economics.

While there are signs the economy picked up strength in the summer, analysts said growth is unlikely to bounce back quickly enough in the third quarter to spur job creation.

The uneven expansion since the 2001 recession and poor job growth in recent months has sparked Democratic criticism of President Bush, and the economy has been a key issue in the campaign for the November election.

Greenspan spoke on Friday at an annual symposium in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, but said nothing in his prepared remarks about current economic conditions or interest-rate policy.


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
9-28-2004 Health Insurance Costs Rise Faster Than Wages

Health insurance premiums for workers are rising around three times faster than their wages, and health costs eat up a quarter of earnings for more than 14 million Americans, according to a survey on Tuesday.

"As a result, workers are paying much more in premiums but are receiving less health coverage, wages are being depressed; and millions of people have lost health coverage entirely."

The cost of health insurance premiums rose by nearly 36 percent on average from 2000 to 2004 in 35 states, said the group, which bills itself as a nonpartisan watchdog on health care issues. Average earnings rose just 12 percent over the same time.

Families USA said it found 85.2 million people went without health insurance for some time during 2003 and 2004.

In 2003-2004, one out of every three Americans under 65 years of age went without health insurance for some period of time. Over half of these people were uninsured for at least nine months," the group said.

"The number of people who were uninsured at some point in 2003-2004 exceeds the combined population of 32 states and the District of Columbia," Pollack added. "This is an epidemic that requires immediate attention."

For the report Families USA used data compiled and analyzed by The Lewin Group from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Department of Labor, and the Department of Health and Human Services .

This group used CAD's and the rest of the Proud Neocons on here to make this great Legacy of a report of the Bush Presidency.

Thank you very much Fearless Liar Useless President.

I can speak personally because I am one of the Uninsured.


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This group used CAD's and the rest of the Proud Neocons on here to make this great Legacy of a report of the Bush Presidency.

Thank you very much Fearless Liar Useless President.

Hehe....implosion from desperationg imminent. Everyone stay back atlease 10 threads...



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
This group used CAD's and the rest of the Proud Neocons on here to make this great Legacy of a report of the Bush Presidency.

Thank you very much Fearless Liar Useless President.

Hehe....implosion from desperationg imminent. Everyone stay back atlease 10 threads...


What, not going to defend your almighty BLS and the rest of the phoney and doctored reports this time??? :shocked:


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2003
I watched the 2000 debate with Gore the other day. Bush went on and on about health care and medicaid. He had all sorts of plans, then when Gore said something Bush would say "you had seven years..". All I can say is Mr. Bush you had four years, your fired.