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Senior member
Dec 9, 2002
Originally posted by: osiris3mc
Wow, I though Moore was a corporate sell-out, there must be some profit-underlying activity to this...

I suspect he values the attention as much as he values the money. :disgust:


Junior Member
Sep 19, 2004
Michael Moore supports p2p sharing? I should maybe try to download the movie then.

Its totally off topic for this forum but since the discussion started already...

I wonder if American people know/care what image America got outside of the country? I worked in 3 continents in the past 2 years and am currently in Canada.

I was laughing hard when I heard Bush saying that the world envies Americas health care system. It is exactly the kind of thing which everyone I know expects Bush to say: A world which envies America in every aspect.

Everywhere where I worked the health care system paid me back at least 80% of my medical costs and with a private insurance it is 100%. Hospital fees would always be fully covered. Nowhere it is perfect, but it sure is better than what happens in America.

Everywhere people are totally shocked by the naivness of Americans. That Americans follow and believe blindly whatever Bush says. France and Germany said from the beginning that there are no WMD but yet Americans today still blame them for not joining the war. Even now, that Americans found that truth out they would still blame those countries. So just because Bush says poop the whole world is supposed to follow America?

When American soldiers arrived in Baghdad I was reading reports how American soldiers were using curtains of the palace to whip their butts. It wasn't a surprise then to read about how they abuse prisoners and it explained why Bush was against an international court.

I was even able to find a local copy of that article again. Here is the exact quote from Yahoo News:
"Other marines plundered remnants of the palace. A giant bronze bust of Saddam was shoved in the back of a Humvee truck, and a tiger head was mounted on the hood of an armoured vehicle."
"On the first day, the troops made a ritual of going to the bathroom in the main palace and using the window curtains as toilet paper"

I wonder what Americans would say if Iraki soldiers would capture Bush for what he did and use the curtains of the white house to whip their butts? Randomly abuse Americans, inside America. Would they still be proud about this American freedom and values?

Renaming french fries to freedom fries. Does that make people in America feel better about the war?

Thats the image America got in the world and knowing that I make publicity for Kerry but only a new president can change that image.


Senior member
Jul 30, 2000
Originally posted by: natenut

..after reading the Mike Moore I realize why he wont debate, he sucks at critical thinking in the heat of the moment. That interview read like a full body seizure. Moore may mean well but he is a complete hippy...
Thanks Sat4Fun for posting the cite to the interview between O'Reilly and Moore. Its helping make my case on how bad Moore really is.

BTW Talker magazine listed Hannity as #2 in talk radio in 2004 with 12 million listeners. Its a subscription service, but here is the Front Cover for Oct. You'll like it Sat4fun, it has full page picture of Alan Colmes. Google it for yourself and read it from your favorite news source (although I doubt many of the socialist newslines carried the story).

Now back to something productive...


Senior member
May 29, 2002
Originally posted by: Rapier
Originally posted by: natenut

..after reading the Mike Moore I realize why he wont debate, he sucks at critical thinking in the heat of the moment. That interview read like a full body seizure. Moore may mean well but he is a complete hippy...
Thanks Sat4Fun for posting the cite to the interview between O'Reilly and Moore. Its helping make my case on how bad Moore really is.

BTW Talker magazine listed Hannity as #2 in talk radio in 2004 with 12 million listeners. Its a subscription service, but here is the Front Cover for Oct. You'll like it Sat4fun, it has full page picture of Alan Colmes. Google it for yourself and read it from your favorite news source (although I doubt many of the socialist newslines carried the story).

Now back to something productive...

Check this for what your survery sample was.. Now that's what I call a diverse group. Wow, 12 million white, high school educated, republican Fox News watchers.

I'll give you right wing radio. It will always do better. People love to hear the rantings of sexually represed fat men that hate change.

Took you a while to find that. Looking up facts new to you?


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2004
Meh I dont care who watches this movie.



Senior member
Jul 30, 2000
Originally posted by: sat4fun
Originally posted by: Rapier
Originally posted by: natenut

..after reading the Mike Moore I realize why he wont debate, he sucks at critical thinking in the heat of the moment. That interview read like a full body seizure. Moore may mean well but he is a complete hippy...
Thanks Sat4Fun for posting the cite to the interview between O'Reilly and Moore. Its helping make my case on how bad Moore really is.

BTW Talker magazine listed Hannity as #2 in talk radio in 2004 with 12 million listeners. Its a subscription service, but here is the Front Cover for Oct. You'll like it Sat4fun, it has full page picture of Alan Colmes. Google it for yourself and read it from your favorite news source (although I doubt many of the socialist newslines carried the story).

Now back to something productive...

Check this for what your survery sample was.. Now that's what I call a diverse group. Wow, 12 million white, high school educated, republican Fox News watchers.

I'll give you right wing radio. It will always do better. People love to hear the rantings of sexually represed fat men that hate change.

Took you a while to find that. Looking up facts new to you?

Well dude! This is going nowhere. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not changing mine. We can sit around here and debate this all night, but I imagine we both have better things to do. Since you alienated alot of people with your last comment, I'll bail-out on this nowhere conversation. I apologize to the OP and other readers for this total waste of time. Have a good day.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Rapier
Originally posted by: sat4fun
Originally posted by: Rapier
Originally posted by: natenut

..after reading the Mike Moore I realize why he wont debate, he sucks at critical thinking in the heat of the moment. That interview read like a full body seizure. Moore may mean well but he is a complete hippy...
Thanks Sat4Fun for posting the cite to the interview between O'Reilly and Moore. Its helping make my case on how bad Moore really is.

BTW Talker magazine listed Hannity as #2 in talk radio in 2004 with 12 million listeners. Its a subscription service, but here is the Front Cover for Oct. You'll like it Sat4fun, it has full page picture of Alan Colmes. Google it for yourself and read it from your favorite news source (although I doubt many of the socialist newslines carried the story).

Now back to something productive...

Check this for what your survery sample was.. Now that's what I call a diverse group. Wow, 12 million white, high school educated, republican Fox News watchers.

I'll give you right wing radio. It will always do better. People love to hear the rantings of sexually represed fat men that hate change.

Took you a while to find that. Looking up facts new to you?

Well dude! This is going nowhere. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not changing mine. We can sit around here and debate this all night, but I imagine we both have better things to do. Since you alienated alot of people with your last comment, I'll bail-out on this nowhere conversation. I apologize to the OP and other readers for this total waste of time. Have a good day.

ahahha thats how all of my political arguments end...


Golden Member
Mar 22, 2000
All the Bush supports should not waste their energy posting to this thread. Save your energy for the voting booth when you go re-elect him for another 4 years on November 3rd.

Freedom is on the march! It's hard work!


Platinum Member
Apr 28, 2001
No thanks, add 50 free movie rentals and I might consider it....on second thought, I'll pass too.....



Golden Member
Apr 14, 2003
wow, this sh!t post is still here. I guess no matter what you post as long as it's democratic propaganda, the mods won't lock it.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2002
Originally posted by: wallsfd949
Why does this SH!T have to find its way into Hot Deals.

Again --

PRO-BUSH Material DOES NOT belong here
ANTI-BUSH Material DOES NOT belong here

PRO-KERRY Material DOES NOT belong here
ANTI-KERRY Material DOES NOT belong here

Take this sh!t back to P&N where it belongs. Here is a link incase you got lost.

NONSENSE! This is a legit deal...too bad if you don't agree with the political stand he takes. A free rental of Star Wars would be a hot deal, why not F911? Put your political anxieties it for free if you can and if you choose to. Don't if you don't want to...some of us do. Good deal...period.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2002
Originally posted by: wallsfd949
wow, this sh!t post is still here. I guess no matter what you post as long as it's democratic propaganda, the mods won't lock it.

Land of the Free, eh? Since when is free speech (and hot deals) democratic propaganda??? If you wanna post a link for a free Bush movie, go ahead. This is America...isn't it?


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 1999
Originally posted by: Lithan
Nothing near me. Maybe I'll download it some time. I find the anti-moore comments humorous though. For a political pundit, he's an honest, humble, timid man... for a political pundit. The sad thing is that Sean Hannity talks out his ass constantly and never backs it up. Yet a man who has responded to critics of his movie with a point by point article citing sources gets called a propagandist. Where are our eyes now gentlemen?

liberal brainwashing.. *sigh*


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 1999
Originally posted by: sat4fun
Originally posted by: Rapier
Originally posted by: Lithan
Nothing near me. Maybe I'll download it some time. I find the anti-moore comments humorous though. For a political pundit, he's an honest, humble, timid man... for a political pundit. The sad thing is that Sean Hannity talks out his ass constantly and never backs it up. Yet a man who has responded to critics of his movie with a point by point article citing sources gets called a propagandist. Where are our eyes now gentlemen?

Hannity has been after Moore to debate him for the months. He flew out to Salt Lake on the heels of the Moore speech a few weeks ago to try to debate him. Moore would not have any part of it. Moore charged the University big $$ for his speech. Hannity did a speech there afterward for no charge. I don't know of any interview/debate between Moore and any center or right wing person.

And YOU talk about people being fooled by propaganda... LMAO

Who would pay to hear Hannity? Proceeds went to re-defeat Bush.

Bush won in 2000.. get over it crybaby


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
Originally posted by: monkuboy
I watched Fahrenhype 9/11, which is a rebuttal to Moore's movie and found it to be quite informative. I have watched both and I would recommend that it is only fair to do so before believing everything you see and hear.

If it was available for download, I'd watch it immediately after watching fahrenheit. But as far as I know, it isn't.

Originally posted by: Kraeji
Originally posted by: Lithan
Nothing near me. Maybe I'll download it some time. I find the anti-moore comments humorous though. For a political pundit, he's an honest, humble, timid man... for a political pundit. The sad thing is that Sean Hannity talks out his ass constantly and never backs it up. Yet a man who has responded to critics of his movie with a point by point article citing sources gets called a propagandist. Where are our eyes now gentlemen?

liberal brainwashing.. *sigh*

Yep, mentioning that one party supports his statements with references and facts while the other simply shouts down (or doesnt address at all) differing opinions is liberal brainwashing. Wow, how marvelous your unadulterated brain is. Why don't you go on to tell us how people who study evolution are "brainwashed" because everyone knows that a giant tortoise pulled the universe out of it's ass. Science and reason... Pshaw.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 1999
Originally posted by: Thenion
Thats the image America got in the world and knowing that I make publicity for Kerry but only a new president can change that image.

The rest of the world wants a weaker america.. that's why they support Kerry.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Originally posted by: rasputinj
Originally posted by: kctopitz
It seems to me that if you want to personally discredit any movie, the only fair way to do so is to see it for yourself. At least here there's an opportunity to do so knowing that you won't be giving any money to Michael Moore.

Here we are, surfing the net on our broadband internet connections looking for the next "hot deal" which is probably something we don't even need, while our nation's young men and women are at putting their lives on the line each day in a far away land. I think the least I can do is spend 2 hours watching a movie which simply asks why. I think I owe those who have died for this country at least that much. I can make up my own mind regarding what I see.

Well put, see it and make your own descision.



Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Tylanner
Meh I dont care who watches this movie.


I didn't need this movie to understand what Bush is... just a silver spoon fed rich kid who didn't need to fulfill his obligations as his dad covered his butt.
I'm trying to imagine telling my superior officer that I couldn't make it to flight training cause my dad needs me to fix a porch. Here we have soldiers in Iraq being charged for disobeying a direct order, as they were afraid of death and W disobeyed an order cause his dad said it was ok, he'd take care of it. I would never encourage any of my family to join the U.S. military. I saw the neglect post Vietnam had for it's veterans and I see how America has been using its military to advance economic interests for the rich. Iraq has the 2nd largest reserves of crude in the world---small coincidence? I see it as these Texas oil men pissed and jealous that they have to kiss Saudi butt when they should rightfully be top dog in the oil world. Teach the Saudi's a lesson and grab Iraqi oil and develop massive refining. Then till the Saudi royal family to kiss camel butt. Bush let Osama escape in Afghanistan? Why? If he were caught America would see the threat as substantially over. Can't justify an oil grab...
I really shouldn't post this in this forum, but I just got into gear. Anyone who thinks morality and politics can co-exist is crazy.


Junior Member
Sep 8, 2004
Originally posted by: osiris3mc
Wow, I though Moore was a corporate sell-out, there must be some profit-underlying activity to this...

Nope, I work at the Galaxy Video listed in Wisconsin.


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Originally posted by: wallsfd949
wow, this sh!t post is still here. I guess no matter what you post as long as it's democratic propaganda, the mods won't lock it.

"Boohoo, they're all ganging up on us. It's not fair, we should be the only ones allowed to sling mud. I propose a constitutional amendment.". Damn liberal media!


Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Kraeji
Originally posted by: Thenion
Thats the image America got in the world and knowing that I make publicity for Kerry but only a new president can change that image.

The rest of the world wants a weaker america.. that's why they support Kerry.



Golden Member
Apr 14, 2003
Originally posted by: Bonesdad
This is a legit deal...too bad if you don't agree with the political stand he takes. A free rental of Star Wars would be a hot deal, why not F911? Put your political anxieties it for free if you can and if you choose to. Don't if you don't want to...some of us do. Good deal...period.

It's fine if you think it's a 'deal' to rent this for free. This, as well as any other politics related post will quickly drift off topic and is why it belongs in P&N.

If you wanna post a link for a free Bush movie, go ahead.

Would probably be squashed by the mods in no time. The last time anti-bush related propaganda was posted it lasted for

> 3 days, while a pro-bush post in Hot Deals around the same time lasted ~9 hrs.