Fox News making more stuff up


Feb 7, 2005
Ok, its a slow news day on here so I'll bring up a pet peeve news item. Videogames are constantly bashed as sex and violence inciting media though compared to Saw IV and Hostel II they look like the Wizard of Oz.

Anyway, Fox had a panel and "experts" convene on a 2 minute sex scene in an RPG called Mass Effect. Here's the wiki summary and the video, I'll post cliffs below.

Sex Scene Coverage on FOX News
On January 21, 2008, a Fox News segment "The Live Desk With Martha MacCallum" discussed Mass Effect with the heading '"Se"xbox? New video game shows full digital nudity and sex." MacCallum stated that the game "leaves nothing to the imagination", features "the ability for players to engage in full graphic sex" where the player gets to decide what happens, cited critics as saying that the Mature-rated game is marketed to children and teenagers, and read a rebuttal from publisher Microsoft stating that the company abides by rating systems and provides monitoring tools for parents. Psychology specialist and author Cooper Lawrence and video game journalist Geoff Keighley were interviewed. The former described sexual content in video games as teaching their active users, adolescent boys, to consider women as objects of desire valued solely for their sexuality. She added that the game's player character is a man who decides how many women he wants to be with. Keighley focused on challenging the accuracy of previous statements, saying it is a choice to play the protagonist as a male or a female. He also described Mass Effect as having an optional, brief sexual situation ("with the side of an alien boob") as the culmination of a relationship in a 30+ hour game. Adding to Lawrence's innacuracies is the fact that the main character is not allowed to be with more than one individual, sexually and romantically. MacCallum and Lawrence stated that they had not played the game.

The segment turned to a four-member panel in the studio, who slammed "Luke Skywalker meets Debbie Does Dallas", doubted the ability of parents to keep their children from playing inappropriate games, and suggested that the game's raters (ESRB) "should have their heads examined" for not giving it an Adults Only rating, and asked what had happened to Atari (1977), pinball and Pac-Man (1980).

[edit] EA's response
Electronic Arts, the parent company of Bioware, requested a correction of "serious errors" from Fox News in an open letter.[41][52][53] Fox News replied by stating that EA had been offered a chance to appear on the channel. On the 25th, Lawrence, who had since watched someone play the game for about two and a half hours, retracted her earlier statements in an interview. She added that she had been told the game was similar to pornography, and noted that she "has seen episodes of Lost that are more sexually explicit." In the interim, her latest book attracted several hundred customer reviews on who rated it one star out of five without reading it.[41]

[edit] Game Show Response
"Taking a cue" from Fox, Adam Sessler summed up the incident in a G4 segment X-Play[54], and gave a review for Mrs. Lawrence's book: "I haven't read your book, but it completely sucks. I for one feel that it should be kept out of the hands of impressionable young women who have feared that they too might develop into the apalling simpleton that you have demonstrated yourself to be ." Sessler said this to "mimic" what Lawrence and Fox News was representing in Mass Effect.

[edit] Anti-Game Activist Response
Jack Thompson revealed to Kotaku that he felt the whole "contrived controversy is absolutely ridiculous"[55].

Cliffs: Fox has a banner that says "Full Digital Nudity and Sex" on screen. The panel and expert slam the game, DESPITE NEVER HAVING PLAYED IT. They call the game pornography. One guy is allowed to defend the game but everyone else laughs at him. For the record, the game is rated M (18+), the scene is less than 2 minutes long out of a 30+ HOUR game, it features side boob action ala network tv after 9pm.

The "expert" gets her book slammed on Amazon with 1 star reviews by people who never read it, since she never played the game they felt that was fair. She has since apologized and said she was wrong. Electronic Arts has called on Fox to state a retraction/apology but they have not done so.

7 states have tried to ban videogame sales to minors, each time the law has been thrown out by the courts as unconstitutional, and the state has had to pay attorney's fees to the game companies since they were warned BEFORE THEY EVEN PASSED the law that it was unconstitutional.

You can go to a library and get a book with graphically obscene sex and violence. You can rent a movie like Saw which is essentially realistic torture porn. Hell, a 9 year old can google "murder" like that little girl in "Knocked Up". Legislators need to stop pushing dumb laws they have been informed are unconstitutional by their own lawyers, and wasting millions of your tax dollars doing so. Fox needs to stop lying to create sensationalist garbage.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
What? You thought Faux was reputable? LOL

I wonder what frank luntz's focus groups would say :laugh:


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Fox News is in the news. Great. I need to watch it more. Obviously it's where all the action is. I just love to be outraged. It's like having a hard on, weeeeeeeeeee!


Jun 23, 2004
I?m more uncomfortable with Saw and Hostel than I am with what they say is in that game.

Guess the video game industry needs to pay Washington DC some bribe money like Hollywood does to keep them off their backs.


Feb 6, 2002
Cant even stand Freddie Kruger movies. Most of these shocker movies are not worth watching. King Henry the 8th was probably more graphic. Nip & Tuck has to be a lot worse than most video games out there.



Nov 20, 1999

Like most Bioware role-playing games, Mass Effect allows players to start romantic relationships with a handful of party members. One male and one female character are available for player characters of the opposite sex, and a female-looking alien of a single-gendered humanoid race for both. Unlike previous Bioware RPGs, each romantic subplot has a short cutscene that glimpses sex between the characters. A New York Times article on the controversy compared the contents to U.S. evening network television[41], and the UK's British Board of Film Classification passed the game uncut with a minimum age of 12 years. Still, many conservative organizations and persons exaggerate the sexual intensity of game on the internet[42][43].

[edit] Sex Scene Coverage on the Internet

The controversy over the sex scenes in Mass Effect began with an article written by Evan Moore for Cybercast News Service. In the article published on January 11, 2008, Moore claims that Mass Effect ?allows the characters to engage in explicitly graphic sexual intercourse? and supports this statement with quotations and data from the socially conservative groups Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council[44]. The article was reported on by several gaming blogs with the general consensus being that the Cybercast News Article was poorly informed about the game.[45][46]

Controversy over the sexual content of Mass Effect continued when conservative blogger Kevin McCullough wrote an article titled, ?The ?Sex-Box? Race for President?[47]. McCullough employed strong rhetoric with sentences that stated, ??Mass Effect? can be customized to sodomize whatever, whoever, however, the game player wishes?, and ?with it?s ?over the net? capabilities virtual orgasmic rape is just the push of a button away.?

McCullough?s article was met with an outburst from the gaming community, leading McCullough to publish a clarification of his original article which derisively referred to members of the gaming community as ?Gamer-Nerds? (on McCullough?s blog this has since been changed to ?Gamers?).[48][49] McCullough?s handling of the situation was parodied by popular gaming website Penny Arcade.[50]

Ultimately McCullough issued an apology by saying, ?I DO apologize to the gaming universe!? He then goes onto say, ?I still do concur with my original position that the objectionable content in Mass Effect is still offensive?.[51]

[edit] Sex Scene Coverage on FOX News

On January 21, 2008, a Fox News segment "The Live Desk With Martha MacCallum" discussed Mass Effect[41] with the heading '"Se"xbox? New video game shows full digital nudity and sex." MacCallum stated that the game "leaves nothing to the imagination", features "the ability for players to engage in full graphic sex" where the player gets to decide what happens, cited critics as saying that the Mature-rated game is marketed to children and teenagers, and read a rebuttal from publisher Microsoft stating that the company abides by rating systems and provides monitoring tools for parents. Psychology specialist and author Cooper Lawrence and video game journalist Geoff Keighley were interviewed. The former described sexual content in video games as teaching their active users, adolescent boys, to consider women as objects of desire valued solely for their sexuality. She added that the game's player character is a man who decides how many women he wants to be with. Keighley focused on challenging the accuracy of previous statements, saying it is a choice to play the protagonist as a male or a female. He also described Mass Effect as having an optional, brief sexual situation ("with the side of an alien boob") as the culmination of a relationship in a 30+ hour game. Adding to Lawrence's innacuracies is the fact that the main character is not allowed to be with more than one individual, sexually and romantically. MacCallum and Lawrence stated that they had not played the game.

The segment turned to a four-member panel in the studio, who slammed "Luke Skywalker meets Debbie Does Dallas", doubted the ability of parents to keep their children from playing inappropriate games, and suggested that the game's raters (ESRB) "should have their heads examined" for not giving it an Adults Only rating, and asked what had happened to Atari (1977), pinball and Pac-Man (1980).

[edit] EA's response

Electronic Arts, the parent company of Bioware, requested a correction of "serious errors" from Fox News in an open letter.[41][52][53] Fox News replied by stating that EA had been offered a chance to appear on the channel. On the 25th, Lawrence, who had since watched someone play the game for about two and a half hours, retracted her earlier statements in an interview. She added that she had been told the game was similar to pornography, and noted that she "has seen episodes of Lost that are more sexually explicit." In the interim, her latest book attracted several hundred customer reviews on who rated it one star out of five without reading it.[41]

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
The younger generation has been going to hell in a hand basket since the time of Socrates. Perhaps even before but lets credit a Greek with that documented discovery published first.
Given that fact, we are talking well over 130 plus generation of degeneration to get from where Socrates was then to now.

Only the cited causes change so add video games to the long list. And pretty soon we will become so addicted to video games that we will die off as a race when someone programs computers to play video games better than humans.

Terror terror save us Fox news, my joy stick I promise not to abuse. Killing virtual cops is all the rage, come and put me in a cage.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Originally posted by: sirjonk
FYI: the "pornographic" scene:

There's also a different one if you select a female protagonist but it's even tamer.

Yeah so it has less nudity than an R rated film yet its "pornographic"? :roll:

That's not the really bad part. To a total prude, this could be pornography, as that's a matter of opinion. What Fox said was that the game features "the ability for players to engage in full graphic sex." That's not opinion, it's a statement of fact, and it's entirely incorrect. They put on "experts" who never even played the game but condemned it. This isn't informed debate, it's puritanical nonsense put out by a conservative news station that claims to be fair and balanced.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Originally posted by: sirjonk
Originally posted by: PC Surgeon
Originally posted by: sirjonk
FYI: the "pornographic" scene:

There's also a different one if you select a female protagonist but it's even tamer.

Yeah so it has less nudity than an R rated film yet its "pornographic"? :roll:

That's not the really bad part. To a total prude, this could be pornography, as that's a matter of opinion. What Fox said was that the game features "the ability for players to engage in full graphic sex." That's not opinion, it's a statement of fact, and it's entirely incorrect. They put on "experts" who never even played the game but condemned it. This isn't informed debate, it's puritanical nonsense put out by a conservative news station that claims to be fair and balanced.

They do the same shit with every news topic. I'm suprised more people haven't picked up on it. Maybe this will open their eyes. FUCK YOU MURDOCH :|


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I have 5 orgasms a day playing my blond blood elf pally but I hate it when she says, "I can't equip that yet".


Feb 7, 2005
12 and 13 year olds around the country downloaded "2 girls 1 cup", I don't think this game will do them any damage.


Jan 4, 2001
There was more sexiness in Giants: Citizen Kabuto!

There were even alcohol references in that game!


Apr 25, 2001
Ah conservatives, where would you be without manufactured outrage?

And I fully realize that many of the conservative posters here think this is just as stupid as I do...but I think you guys are glossing over the key point here. THIS is what your ideology is really about. Not small government or strong national defense or self defense or strong's this, idiots pretending to be outraged about a barely PG-13 "sex scene" in a game rated for adults that they've never played. I know you think it's about those other things, but I've got news for you...your ideological peers would disagree with you.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Phokus
Orcs in world of warcraft give me stiffies

That was actually a suggestion I heard as to why there is so much "outrage" from certain folks about stuff like this. Not Orcs in WoW specifically, but the general principle. What most of us find mildly interesting, these individuals are extremely infatuated much so they must deny their feelings by taking the most extreme position possible the other way.


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2007
Haha, wow. It's amazing that they've never mentioned those fully interactive 3D sex simulation games for PC that you can easily obtain for free on bit-torrent networks. They're pretty impressive and damn in depth!

You can customize your "actors" completely. Their bodies are editable, and there are toys, outfits, positions, and scenes to choose from dynamically.

Not that I have anything against that kind of game, but wouldn't that be something more "worthy" of the "wrath" of idiot conservatives like Thompson or Fox "News"?

Your pathetic moral outrage offends me, does that mean I can sue you? No? The get over it, you pussies. You don't need to play these games, and you don't need to let your kids play them, either.


Feb 7, 2005
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Ah conservatives, where would you be without manufactured outrage?

And I fully realize that many of the conservative posters here think this is just as stupid as I do...but I think you guys are glossing over the key point here. THIS is what your ideology is really about. Not small government or strong national defense or self defense or strong's this, idiots pretending to be outraged about a barely PG-13 "sex scene" in a game rated for adults that they've never played. I know you think it's about those other things, but I've got news for you...your ideological peers would disagree with you.

You'd think so, but it's Hillary Clinton and Joe Lieberman who proudly sponsor anti-videogame legislation. I agree with your larger point however, that in general, it wasn't liberals phoning the FCC to rant about superbowl nipplegate.