Originally posted by: dpopiz
seriously though. isn't it just something related to sun-related happiness (aka S.A.D.)? people with SAD are supposed to stare at a really bright light for half an hour each day during the winter.
anyway, staring at this light really does make me feel good for some reason. I'm just worried about damaging my eyes though
I've read that the light that most affects the areas of the eyes associated with S.A.D. comes in obliquely, that is to say, at an angle greater than perpendicular to the center of the lens.
As an ex lighting technician, I can say do not look at the extremely bright sources, be they arc welders, the sun, Hi intensity lights, theatrical moving lights etc. The eye is an organ, too and it can be overloaded too. Wouldn't do it, wouldn't be prudent </Dana Carvey>