For just around $5 a month per family we could have 100% green and renewable energy.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
For just around $5 a month per family, every home in the U.S could be powered by 100% renewable energy. No more natural gas, and no more coal. I don't see why we don't do this, given the low cost and the large benefits to society.

I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.


Jul 12, 2000
I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.

I really like your sample size that you used to draw this conclusion. LOL.

As far as the premise of this


Oct 9, 1999
For just around $5 a month per family, every home in the U.S could be powered by 100% renewable energy. No more natural gas, and no more coal. I don't see why we don't do this, given the low cost and the large benefits to society.

I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.

I understand your other thread now. Democracy is a failure because of people like you. You are a moron.


Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2011
Explain why it wouldn't be possible for every company to achieve this, if others are already able to.


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
I understand your other thread now. Democracy is a failure because of people like you. You are a moron.


When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or be lost... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Many would opine we have already reached that point.


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
For just around $5 a month per family, every home in the U.S could be powered by 100% renewable energy. No more natural gas, and no more coal. I don't see why we don't do this, given the low cost and the large benefits to society.

I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.

/taps sarcasm meter...stares in disbelief


Junior Member
Jun 12, 2008
Explain why it wouldn't be possible for every company to achieve this, if others are already able to.

You're making some unsafe assumptions with this statement. Here are just a couple off the top of my head. You are assuming that:

  1. This $5 is not subsidized by the government from a limited pool of resources or money. The real cost might be $15 per month per family with the government kicking in $10/month to meet initiatives. This fund could quickly be depleted with everyone opting for it.
  2. The "green renewable" energy is not limited such that if everyone opted for it, the demand would skyrocket and destroy this $5 price (although renewable, it usually takes massive infrastructure to put up windmills or hydroelectric dams or solar arrays).
  3. The kind of green and renewable energy you enjoy is probably localized to your area. Like wind farms in the heartland or hydroelectricity near dams. Assuming that you could magically transport this to -- say -- Florida is not a sound assumption.
  4. We would not be at 100% either, you are overlooking companies and corporations that answer to shareholders and provide us jobs/supplies. We are all a part of these companies and they would never opt for the equivalent costs. It could mean bankruptcy for Wal-Mart and that is a massive beast.

It's a nice thought and a good thing to desire. It's something I think we all want and desire. But we have to be realistic. Given the requirements of a new infrastructure away from coal, it is most likely going to be a slow and lengthy process involving a multitude of solution. There's no magic bullet, not even a magic bullet that can be purchased for $5 per month per home.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
This reminds me of a advertisment I saw once about getting rid of bugs for ever. Basically read along the lines

Kill all pests and insects forever send $19.99 to:

Zebo Boudreaux
Mainstreet USA

And they sent two blocks of wood with instructions to place bug between them and smash.

It it sounds to good to be true it probably is.


Nov 20, 1999
I understand your other thread now. Democracy is a failure because of people like you. You are a moron.

I'm collecting unemployment right now because it's there. I don't need it, but I'm eligible so I damn well am going to take it. I'm against unemployment as it currently exists - Bobberfett





Oct 9, 1999



It's amusing that you believe you have some kind of trump card against me in every discussion, as though I'm doing something wrong. If you dislike the unemployment system, feel free to contact your representatives and urge them to change it. I'm simply using a system as designed. Just because your beloved Democrats designed it badly isn't my fault.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I never got it either. Who doesn't take advantage of money? Do you not take any deduction on your taxes? Most dems hate massive deductions exclusions and exemptions afforded by tax code ...but I bet they all use them.


Oct 10, 1999
Well, There's a lot of Nuclear power in Illinois. Nuclear power is green. That said, I pay a lot more than $5 per month for electricity.


Sep 5, 2000
Lets assume we could in fact do what you say. How does this help the global energy conglomerates and industrial military complex? Without the ability of the world bank to lend our paper money to 3rd world countries in exchange for their real world assets we would not have the world you see before you. Why would we need a large military in your new world? We wouldnt. So this wont happen.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
I just wish I could go on UE, but they are smarter than you think. Self employed and officers of corps can't. Because you could hire yourself for 6mo and go on UE for 3 years. Rinse and repeat. They don't want that - so as usual self employed get fucked. I just pay it.

But there is a lot of "hiring" your brother etc. Thing is full of fraud. Sorta like this thread.
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2005
While the silly OP is off by a few orders of magnitude, I did the math and calculated that for the cost of Obama's stimulus, we could have converted the nation to 100% nuclear power, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions for electrical production to zero. Furthermore, we could then use our vast coal and gas reserves for transportation fuel, thus becoming totally energy independent for 500-1000 years, give or take a few millenia depending on how massive those new natural gas reserves turn out to be. :)

Too bad the Dems decided to squander it all on road signs and union pensions instead. D:


Diamond Member
Apr 10, 2008
For just around $5 a month per family, every home in the U.S could be powered by 100% renewable energy. No more natural gas, and no more coal. I don't see why we don't do this, given the low cost and the large benefits to society.

I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.

Explain why it wouldn't be possible for every company to achieve this, if others are already able to.

So - Just because you are stupid enough to pay an extra $5 a month for a line item on your electric bill that says "green", that means that the rest of the country should do the same?


Sep 5, 2000
I just wish I could go on UE, but they are smarter than you think. Self employed and officers of corps can't. Because you could hire yourself for 6mo and go on UE for 3 years. Rinse and repeat. They don't want that - so as usual self employed get fucked. I just pay it.

But there is a lot of "hiring" your brother etc. Thing is full of fraud.

Yup. I am self employed as well and I dont get that safety net. It keeps you sharper then the rest I think.


Oct 10, 1999
Uhhhh....I dont think nuclear is considered "green."

The ratio of power to waste is very good. It's much "greener" than any other largescale/practical means of power production.

I don't use "green" as a label chosen by a bunch of hippies, I look at it as a means of comparison. It's 99+% "cleaner" than coal or oil based power plants, to me, that's pretty fvckin green :)


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2011
I get the $5 a month figure, because that is what my electric company charges to provide 100% green energy to a home. If my electric company can do it for $5 a month per home, so can any other.

You believe the electric company?

These people lobby the government so they can spin anything they want including what is called green, recycled, etc. Want to eat a free range chicken? It's likely to have spent its entire life indoors except for the last couple of days! How about an organic chicken? It can be genetically manipulated and never has to be labeled as such.

Make no mistake about it, congress now consists of a bunch of lawyers who will say and do anything they can get away with and, for the right price, allow anyone else the same privilege.