WTF, why doesn't this work??
The file opens fine the first time, but absolutely refuses to open the second time!! The calls to fopen are the EXACT SAME, so I fail to see why this won't work. Btw, you can ignore the stzLib thing, all that does is return the current directory (which is set only once, and is not calculated for every call).
FILE *whim = fopen(strcat(stzLib->GetRootDir(),"\\.\\..\\data\\media.stz"), "rb");
if (whim == NULL)
whim = NULL;
whim = fopen(strcat(stzLib->GetRootDir(),"\\.\\..\\data\\media.stz"), "rb");
if (whim == NULL)
The file opens fine the first time, but absolutely refuses to open the second time!! The calls to fopen are the EXACT SAME, so I fail to see why this won't work. Btw, you can ignore the stzLib thing, all that does is return the current directory (which is set only once, and is not calculated for every call).
FILE *whim = fopen(strcat(stzLib->GetRootDir(),"\\.\\..\\data\\media.stz"), "rb");
if (whim == NULL)
whim = NULL;
whim = fopen(strcat(stzLib->GetRootDir(),"\\.\\..\\data\\media.stz"), "rb");
if (whim == NULL)