First time installing 2k and 98 together, could use detailed help!!!!


Senior member
Nov 15, 2000
Hi I have a IBM 75gxp 30gig hdd.
First of all I want both 2k and 98 on my system, and I have heard that if I install 2k and it service pack, I can then install 98 on 2k and have a dual booting comp. Well will that work? Second if it doesnt, how else would I do a dual boot of 98 and 2k? with 30 gigs, I am only using 98 for games so probably only a few gigs is needed. Second when I have both Os's installed can I be in 98 and listen to my mp3's i have under my 2k os?? How does this work, and how do I install both os's (details please) THanks alot


Junior Member
Feb 22, 2000
ARS Technica has a very detailed article on how to do it. Just print it out and follow the instructions.... Install Win98 first and all the proggies, then put in your Win2k Cd and go from there.