First time Handgun Owner


May 17, 2008
I do not own or have a permit to own a handgun, but I plan to do this sometime in the near future. I own a .22LR currently and use it for plinking and target shooting. I would like to own a handgun for target shooting, but also for home defense as well. Firstly, is it legal for me to enter a gun shop or gun show and look/handle handguns without a permit to own one. My reason to do this is to obviously acquire a feel for a handgun I like. From doing some reading I have come to a conclusion that getting a .357 that takes .38 specials may be a good option. Would a revolver be best or something in the Glock line be good as well? Also, might there be another caliber that is fairly cheap that also has good stopping power as well?


Mar 9, 2008
If you live in a state that allows it, I would recommend you get a Calico M-110. It is a handgun with a 100 round .22 magazine. With that capacity you don't have to worry about stopping power, just fire until your intruder stops moving. If there is more than one intruder, then just unload on both of them. In an enclosed environment they won't care that you're shooting a .22. All they will care about is the sound of many, many bullets flying at them. That's all that matters. As for target shooting, .22 is cheap and you already have one so you wont have to go out and buy two types of ammo. Everyone knows this.


Diamond Member
Jan 26, 2005
Do you live in the US? If you do, you don't need a permit to buy a handgun. If you wanted to carry it concealed, you would, but to purchase one you just need to be 21.


May 17, 2008
Do you live in the US? If you do, you don't need a permit to buy a handgun. If you wanted to carry it concealed, you would, but to purchase one you just need to be 21.

Yes , I live in NY as of right now, but I will be moving in a few months. In NY you have to have a state and federal back round check that takes forever to complete. As far as I know it takes 9 months to a year for this process to be completed, and you need a permit to own the gun and it must be registered.


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2003
Do you live in the US? If you do, you don't need a permit to buy a handgun. If you wanted to carry it concealed, you would, but to purchase one you just need to be 21.

Oh really? (State of New Jersey Application for Firearms Purchaser Identification Card/ Application to Purchase a Handgun).

Generally you do not need any kind of permit to purchase a handgun, but it depends on your location. Where do you live, z1ggy?

EDIT: I see you are in NY. NY has pretty strict handgun laws. In general, to purshase a handgun, you need to 1) get a permit to make the purchase, 2) register the handgun, and 3) get a permit to possess the handgun. I'm not 100% sure if it is legal to handle the guns without the purchase permit, but I'm guessing that it's probably not allowed.
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Jun 19, 2000
Do you live in the US? If you do, you don't need a permit to buy a handgun. If you wanted to carry it concealed, you would, but to purchase one you just need to be 21.
You're making an assumption that there is uniform law throughout the nation in regards to gun purchases. That is not the case.

A permit is required here. There is a short written test and a background check is performed on the spot as you stand there.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2003
BIG EDIT: You said NY, scratch everything I said, and take up golf. That or move to Vermont.

Do you live in the US? Are you a legal citizen? No felonies? Over 21?

Knock yourself out, you don't need a permit to buy or look at a handgun.

Don't get a calico, I seriously hope he was joking.

If you are looking for an entry level handgun, have a look @ the Sigma's by S&W. They sell for around $300 new, and S&W has a $50 rebate on them right now. It's a glock clone, with a clunky trigger, but it's reliable, and it will get you something to train with.

Before you take your first shot, take a safety course. The NRA puts these on as well as most state wildlife agencies. I repeat. Before you take your first shot, take a safety course.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have. I own quite a few firearms, and really enjoy going out and killing a watermelon from time to time.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
z1ggy, have you considered getting a shotgun, versus a handgun?

I only say this because of the BS you have to go through to own a handgun in NY. A decent shotgun will give you just as much (if not more) stopping power than any handgun made, you don't have to worry about wall penetration hurting innocent bystanders/family members (unless you're shooting slugs) as much as you do with a pistol, and chances are, you don't need a permit to own a shotgun.

You can pick up a quality shotgun (Remington 870 Express, Mossburg 500) for ~$300, and can modify it to your own taste (pistol grip/folding stock, etc) for a little more. Plus, at the short range you'll find inside a house or apartment, a pistol will knock down, but a shotgun will just about cut them in half.....definitely a deterrent to any home invader!! :eek:

Oh, and if your permit takes a year to accomplish, you can thank the state, not the federal government. I lived in Guam, the other side of the world from NY, and we were able to get federal firearms background checks done within 8 weeks, max. I'd bet a Coke that NY state takes their sweet time with the background check, as a deterrence to those who want to own a handgun. :rolleyes:


Diamond Member
Aug 21, 2005
As far as laws go there's nothing different between your .22 and any other pistol.

If you want to use it for target shooting, then you'll probably want 9mm. 9mm is the cheapest ammo out there - anything else will cost you at least 50% more.


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
As far as laws go there's nothing different between your .22 and any other pistol.

If you want to use it for target shooting, then you'll probably want 9mm. 9mm is the cheapest ammo out there - anything else will cost you at least 50% more.

9mm is cheaper than .22? You can get a box of 6 or 700 for about $25.


Apr 8, 2002
Do you live in the US? If you do, you don't need a permit to buy a handgun. If you wanted to carry it concealed, you would, but to purchase one you just need to be 21.

Depends on the state. MN has a pistol permit req for pistols and assault rifles.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999
Ruger P95


A dependable basic 9mm you can find for around three bills. If I were to have only one handgun it'd be a Glock 17 though. Just feed these with modern JHP (where legal, not sure about NY laws) for SD and the 9mm vs .40/45 debate will be null.


Feb 8, 2001
If you live in a state that allows it, I would recommend you get a Calico M-110. It is a handgun with a 100 round .22 magazine. With that capacity you don't have to worry about stopping power, just fire until your intruder stops moving. If there is more than one intruder, then just unload on both of them. In an enclosed environment they won't care that you're shooting a .22. All they will care about is the sound of many, many bullets flying at them. That's all that matters. As for target shooting, .22 is cheap and you already have one so you wont have to go out and buy two types of ammo. Everyone knows this.

That would not go well in court. An attorney would skewer you for firing such an excessive number of rounds.