First it was parents protesting in school board meetings, now outsiders are protesting there over what is in the school library.

Amol S.

Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2015
Apparently Fox News was in such a hurry over this story, they left out the name of the book that is in question. According to the school, the person who placed their concern did not even have a child in the school.

This outsider apparently read aloud in front of the school board a mild sexual content in one of the books that was available in the school library. There is not much news going around about it, as I tried to look for other sources and found only DailyMail as the other big organziation to be reporting on this. Apparently the Daily Mail took a bit more time in their article, and referenced that the name of the book that was questioned was, "Homegoing" by Yaa Gyasi. Apparently the Daily Mail also claims the portion read at the meeting was "sexual content" comming from a book about slavery. The bigger surprising claim from the DailyMail, is that this person is ironically talking about a book that can be found in high school's library. This was something that was not stated in the Fox News article.

Apparently the Fox News supporters in the comment section have stated that outsiders have the right to voice out their concern, as the school was funded from taxpayer money. So apparently, now these Trumpanzees not only want parents to be in total control of what their kids learn in a public school, but also outsiders that have nothing to do with the kids in the school should also have a right in saying what gets taught.

Why does it matter if the woman has kids in that school or not? You can be a taxpayer in a school district without have kids in those schools. That doesn't mean you lose your rights as a taxpayer.
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Apparently, Trumpanzees also think that in order for a book to be considered age appropriate, the school board should not stop a parent from reading the content outloud regardless if there were children in the meeting.

Quite obvious the books are NOT since the school board can't stand to listen to an adult reading them out loud.
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Apparently, Fox News Trumpanzees think that sexual content is not age appropriate for High Schoolers.

The only books each school library should have are ones that are appropriate for the age of the children in that particular school. If you want adult books, go to the public library or buy them yourself.
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It was 50 Shades of Grey...if your referring to the article piece...definitively not appropriate for a high school teen.
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This was not a secret meeting. It was a school board meeting. Portions of which was broadcast on TV last night. The board member was concerned that HER child or children would hear the trash being read since the meeting was being broadcast. There was no concern for the students who had access to that book. Just afraid THEIR child might hear it. Not hearsay, FACT.
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Maybe she is not mentally ill if she "obeys" her school district, but she is lacking morals to have first hand knowledge of what is being forced on students and does not fight it. We need teachers who see this on a daily basis to speak up for the children, as well as contact the parents so they are aware of what is going on also.
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Feb 1, 2008
Yeah, really nothing to do with parents rights or even THE CHILDREN, frankly. The righties have stumbled upon something entirely new AND EFFECTIVE that they intend to use to shut down freedom of speech. The freedom of speech which "they" feel is offensive to them. And if "they" consider it as offensive then damnit, everyone should.

First... it began with local school board elections. The righties got the board members elected that were necessary for this scheme to proceed. Second... they began the fear campaign to scare parents into thinking that "gay" was a condition imposed upon a child and simply by removing any instance or suggestion of "gay", thus voila.... they have no more gay. And third.... the righties were successful in turning this scheme into a national movement extending far beyond school boards and classrooms. This was evident during the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearing where republicans have latched onto this as their campaign cry to win future elections. IT HAS BEGUN!!!

Come November 2022 and certainly 2024, Americans won't be voting for a president, Americans will be voting for or against THE GAY, for or against pedophilia, for or against THE CHILDREN, all of this lumped up into the term PARENTS RIGHTS.
Republicans will turn elections into good vs evil or democrat vs republican. And guess which side republicans will label as the evil side? The side that supports the gay? The side that supports the transgender? The side that supports pedophilia? The side that poses a threat to THE CHILDREN?
Answer.... the democrats will be labeled as the evil side.
Republicans will label the democrats as the party of pure evil, and.... those evil demon democrats are coming after YOUR CHILD.
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Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Here's some "compassionate Conservatives" for Ya:

Former Mississippi House lawmaker and candidate for governor calls for the execution by firing squad of political foes who support the rights of transgender people.

“Some of y’all still want to try and find political compromise with those that want to groom our school aged children and pretend men are women, etc,” the former Republican representative from Hernando, Miss. “I think they need to be lined up against (a) wall before a firing squad to be sent to an early judgment.”


And another



Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2004
Holy shit... Seriously though, at some point someone has to say enough is enough. This bs can't keep on going. The amount of backwardness that's happened this year alone makes me want to gouge my eyes out!


Diamond Member
Dec 4, 1999
Come November 2022 and certainly 2024, Americans won't be voting for a president, Americans will be voting for or against THE GAY, for or against pedophilia, for or against THE CHILDREN, all of this lumped up into the term PARENTS RIGHTS.
Republicans will turn elections into good vs evil or democrat vs republican. And guess which side republicans will label as the evil side? The side that supports the gay? The side that supports the transgender? The side that supports pedophilia? The side that poses a threat to THE CHILDREN?
Answer.... the democrats will be labeled as the evil side.
Republicans will label the democrats as the party of pure evil, and.... those evil demon democrats are coming after YOUR CHILD.
Hasn’t this always been the case? Vote R because against abortions. Who cares the candidate isn’t qualified, as long they are pro life, they will vote for them.


Aug 5, 2000
Hasn’t this always been the case? Vote R because against abortions. Who cares the candidate isn’t qualified, as long they are pro life, they will vote for them.

The RNC's strategy is to boil down into very basic easy to understand talking points that concentrates and hits hard on the emotions of their members, stressing that loyalty to party, that defending their party is of the utmost importance all while their party leader's only concern is to defend the interests of the very wealthy of the nation.

Dividing the nation along party lines enables the GOP's leadership to hide the fact that they're exploiting their working class members for the benefit of the nation's oligarchs, which is exactly what Putin is doing in Russia. How the rank file members of the Repub party approves of their being financially and socially raped by their leadership out in the open for all to see is beyond me.


Golden Member
Apr 29, 2004
Here's some "compassionate Conservatives" for Ya:

Former Mississippi House lawmaker and candidate for governor calls for the execution by firing squad of political foes who support the rights of transgender people.


And another

If he'd like to step up and try to make that happen, I think he'd find out that it would turn into a "2-way" firing squad real fast.


Oct 22, 1999
Very important this next election to really look at who is running for school boards.

Stealth school board candidates are everywhere: But "Stop the Steal" isn't working for them |

I live in one of those states that shows no political affiliation for these posts.
The last year or so, all the crazy right wingers running for non-partisan spots around here have made it very obvious which party they belong to.

Luckily, yesterday my school district voted for the two sane candidates over the insane ones.