Finally someone did a history on ATi!


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2001
Good read, they hit the bullseye with this comment:

In my opinion, one of 3dfx?s biggest mistakes was in cutting out its manufacturing partners and insisting on doing all of its own manufacturing. 3dfx had a very good reason for doing this however, because one of the biggest hurdles that 3dfx had to deal with as a fabless company was lack of quality control over the multiple brands of 3dfx powered products. What made one brand of 3dfx powered card better than another? They were all 3dfx graphics right? Realistically, the consumer should have been able to expect that all the different brands should have been of roughly similar quality, when the truth was that they were not. Some brands were built quite well, while others were of terrible quality. So when 3dfx bought out S3, which had its own manufacturing facilities, they cut out all the 3rd party manufacturers in order to maintain a higher level of quality control. While that idea might sound great in theory, in reality all they managed to do was ostracize themselves from the rest of the industry.

He forgot to mention though how the transitional period during the S3 buyout delayed the release of the V3 line.



Senior member
Nov 7, 2000
"In 1996, PC gaming was busting out in a big way, and ATI was there to pitch its new Rage 3d line of graphics processors. Competing directly along side of several other ?3d accelerators? such as the (in)famous S3 Virge, and the world famous 3dfx standalone voodoo graphics accelerator. In comparison, the Rage was definitely not a standout performer, but it did gain heavy acceptable in the industry as a well-performing general duty accelerator."

The guy who wrote this is a bit misinformed or at the least is mis informing. The only two cards in that era that were even worthy of being called a 3d accelerator were made by Rendition or 3dfx. The others were nothing but a joke.

And back in the good old days all Ati was touting was their video playback abilites. Which imo were honestly not even noticeable when compared anything else out at the time. Those were the days when Diamond was king of the world and for no other reason really than marketing. Well until 3dfx changed the world and Rendition was close behind.



Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
I don't really like this article. It seems like a fanboy wrote it. It has no pictures of cards. Nothing to catch attention. Paragraphs everywhere. Its not organized properly. I read the first sentence and then realized the article sucked and just skimmed through it.

At least there now exists and ATi History.


Aug 21, 2002
I expected to read something inetersting... this was not. Don't waste your time reading three pages of this guy's written thoughts


Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
I still want to know what 'ATi" stands for ...

I thought maybe finally I'd get my answer ... but no.


Senior member
Dec 3, 1999
Originally posted by: conlan
Good read, they hit the bullseye with this comment:

In my opinion, one of 3dfx?s biggest mistakes was in cutting out its manufacturing partners and insisting on doing all of its own manufacturing. 3dfx had a very good reason for doing this however, because one of the biggest hurdles that 3dfx had to deal with as a fabless company was lack of quality control over the multiple brands of 3dfx powered products. What made one brand of 3dfx powered card better than another? They were all 3dfx graphics right? Realistically, the consumer should have been able to expect that all the different brands should have been of roughly similar quality, when the truth was that they were not. Some brands were built quite well, while others were of terrible quality. So when 3dfx bought out S3, which had its own manufacturing facilities, they cut out all the 3rd party manufacturers in order to maintain a higher level of quality control. While that idea might sound great in theory, in reality all they managed to do was ostracize themselves from the rest of the industry.

He forgot to mention though how the transitional period during the S3 buyout delayed the release of the V3 line.

I tend to agree that they hit the nail on the head with that one, accept 3dfx didn't buy S3, they bought STB. S3 merged with diamond.


Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Wow, a good amount of research and time went into this. :disgust:


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
Although I give the author credit for taking the time to write it, I really can't say it's a very good article. Unfortunately, it's just a (very) high-level gloss over of events that we all know by now. Nothing new or detailed at all. No "behind the scenes" in terms of how the company's strategy or products were developed/marketed. No mentioned of the failed directions. Etc., etc.. And too much of the usual diatribe of "great hardware, bad drivers". Anyone frequenting the messageboards for the last few years could have told you the same thing. It would have been nice if, at the minumum, a graph of the various chips released throughout the years was present for quick reference.

In any case, lack of content aside, it's clear the young guy who wrote it is very well spoken and took care in crafting the piece with whatever little was available to him. It might have been better to name the article "An overview of ATI's rise to power" instead of a "history".


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: stardust
Originally posted by: Noid
I still want to know what 'ATi" stands for ...

I thought maybe finally I'd get my answer ... but no.

Same here :(

I remember hearing it and thinking, "No wonder they just call it ATI" It just sounds freakin weird.


Diamond Member
Jan 27, 2001
I tend to agree that they hit the nail on the head with that one, accept 3dfx didn't buy S3, they bought STB. S3 merged with diamond.

Your right, it was so long ago it slipped right past me.


Platinum Member
Sep 20, 2000
lol ,,, I remember that thread also ...

still no definate answer thou ....

At least I didn't see one...


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: Schadenfroh
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: stardust
Originally posted by: Noid
I still want to know what 'ATi" stands for ...

I thought maybe finally I'd get my answer ... but no.

Same here :(

I remember hearing it and thinking, "No wonder they just call it ATI" It just sounds freakin weird.


"Array Technologies Inc" seems to be the original name. Not quite as weird as I recall, but doesn't quite roll off the tongue. ;)

Thanks for the link, I vaguely remember reading it eons ago. :)


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2002
Originally posted by: VIAN
I don't really like this article. It seems like a fanboy wrote it. It has no pictures of cards. Nothing to catch attention. Paragraphs everywhere. Its not organized properly. I read the first sentence and then realized the article sucked and just skimmed through it.

At least there now exists and ATi History.

Totally agreed. Not much "rise to power" when you don't show pictures of cards or quotes from the people who brought ATi up.