Feminine Beauty Linked to Estrogen Levels..


Jul 16, 2001

..ever wonder why your attracted to a particular face?..it may be a hormone based cue.

Fertility Advertisement

"Women are effectively advertising their general fertility with their faces," says Law Smith.

"Our findings could explain why men universally seem to prefer feminine women's faces. In evolutionary terms, it makes sense for men to favor feminine, fertile women," she adds. "Those that did would have had more babies."

A woman's physical appeal is linked to her hormone levels, scientists have found. Women with higher levels of the female sex hormone estrogen have more attractive-looking faces, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society.
The new findings could explain the underlying reason why men prefer women with feminine faces. It is the first study to demonstrate that a woman's facial appearance is linked to her underlying health, because estrogen is the hormone that affects reproductive health and fertility.

These effects on appearance are likely to depend on the action of estrogen throughout puberty.

Make-up Masks the Effect

Psychologist Miriam Law Smith and colleagues of the University of St. Andrews photographed the faces of 59 women between 18 and 25 years of age and analyzed their sex hormone levels.

Women with higher levels of estrogen were rated as more attractive, healthy and feminine looking than those with lower levels.



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
One factor not mentioned in the study is that the a man's perception of the sexual attractiveness of a woman is strongly influenced by his alcohol level.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2000
Originally posted by: shira
One factor not mentioned in the study is that the a man's perception of the sexual attractiveness of a woman is strongly influenced by his alcohol level.


I somehow doubt I would trust a sample of 59 subjects. A thousand or two, maybe. And boy, I've met a few quite nicely looking girls whose estrogen level must have been negative :)

Agnostos Insania

Golden Member
Oct 29, 2005
I don't really see the connection. One man can see a face he finds beautiful and another man confuses it for a burn victim.
What if you're only attracted to certain ethnicities? I still think much of it left to be discovered.