Feeling more and more nihilistic as I get older


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Anybody else have this happen? As a young person I had high hopes of what humanity could become. As I got older I see more and more the filth that humanity has become and feel a growing sense of nihilism. I used to care so passionately about the world, lately I could care less if a natural disaster happened and wiped out all humans from the earth.

It's not depression either - I have plenty of stuff to be happy about, and happy moments throughout the day. I just have more and more of a sense of not caring what happens to other people. I still love my family for the most part, I enjoy my job, and I have hobbies to keep myself busy, but there is just this feeling of... darkness... when it comes to humanity as a whole.

I feel like I'm becoming a grouchy old man, the kind of person I laughed at when I was a kid.



Jul 18, 2000
Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2006
I've been nihilistic since I was like, 12 :p. Overall I just have a "meh" outlook. I'll do what I can to keep myself happy, but humans as a whole are pretty crappy...


Senior member
Feb 5, 2005
you are finding it difficult to accept the idea that all life in inherently valuable and important, which it isn't. We are only food for worms.


Apr 19, 2001
Nihilism/realism tomayto/tomahto.

I call it simply waking up and seeing the world for what it is rather than what you want it to be. If you reach a certain age and still see things like they could be a giant Coke commercial where everyone holds hands and sings then you're unbelievably stupid. Congrats, you're not one of those people.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Anybody else have this happen? As a young person I had high hopes of what humanity could become. As I got older I see more and more the filth that humanity has become and feel a growing sense of nihilism. I used to care so passionately about the world, lately I could care less if a natural disaster happened and wiped out all humans from the earth.

It's not depression either - I have plenty of stuff to be happy about, and happy moments throughout the day. I just have more and more of a sense of not caring what happens to other people. I still love my family for the most part, I enjoy my job, and I have hobbies to keep myself busy, but there is just this feeling of... darkness... when it comes to humanity as a whole.

I feel like I'm becoming a grouchy old man, the kind of person I laughed at when I was a kid.


you arent alone



Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
Nope, I hear you man. I almost feel like I'm turning into a troll. I'm certainly not unhappy, in fact I am extremely happy, I just have even less tolerance for stupidity, including my own, than I did when I was younger.


Edit: I also find people more and more abhorrent and hate what society has become. I blame the internet. and fat people.
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Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Nope, I hear you man. I almost feel like I'm turning into a troll. I'm certainly not unhappy, in fact I am extremely happy, I just have even less tolerance for stupidity, including my own, than I did when I was younger.


Exactly - it reminds me of how I take the same route to work, every morning, and there are a series of about 6 intersections where there is a "no left turn" sign so that traffic doesn't slow down for people making a left. Every single morning, guaranteed, I see another idiot making a left turn there, holding up traffic. I feel like rolling down my window and yelling at them, then realize that there is no cure for stupidity. This has happened for years non-stop, people making the same dumbass mistake over and over and over and over.


Oct 10, 2006
I'm 22 so I'm pretty sure anything I mention here will get the "you'll understand when you're older" line. :p

In any case, I wouldn't call myself nihilistic. Yes there are plenty of crappy people out there that the human race would probably be better off without, but there are plenty of inherently good people out there too. If humanity's future is so dark, how exactly have we come as far as we have? Compare humanity now to what it was 200 years ago. As a society and a species we're hardly collapsing. In fact worldwide average quality of life now is the best it's ever been by any objective standards. That's a good thing.

Suffice to say I'm an idealist with a general faith in humanity. Remember that 90% of the news is radicals and loud-mouths, so I generally rely on my own observations for said faith. And for the record, I don't have the worst sob story out there by far, but to put it bluntly, my threats are almost certainly the determining factor in why my dad's physical abuse of my mom stopped two years ago (he ramped it up to pulling a judo move on her, I caught him alone the next day and made him acutely aware of what would happen if he ever did anything like that again, hasn't been a single incident since). Point being I've seen and lived with my fair share of shit, I expect to see more before my time's up, and I still maintain my faith in humanity. So yeah, not sure where you old farts are coming from, but I guess time will tell. :p

P.S. No, I'm not making a sympathy plug. Homelife is what it is, and I'm doing all I reasonably can about it. *shrug*
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No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
anyway, as for the apathy towards a meteor destroying humanity...perhaps you simply accept the fact that were such to occur, there is litterally nothing you, or anyone, cna do to stop that.

so really, no use fretting over it. should make it easier to go on with your life rather than fear such things, even the types of random ridiculous violence that happen around you. it gives one reason to hate very many parts of society as a whole--and with valid cause, I think--but in many ways, there are plenty things to love about humanity and what it has given us--Stevie Ray Vaughn is one of these things.


Feb 3, 2007
anyway, as for the apathy towards a meteor destroying humanity...perhaps you simply accept the fact that were such to occur, there is litterally nothing you, or anyone, cna do to stop that.

so really, no use fretting over it. should make it easier to go on with your life rather than fear such things, even the types of random ridiculous violence that happen around you. it gives one reason to hate very many parts of society as a whole--and with valid cause, I think--but in many ways, there are plenty things to love about humanity and what it has given us--Stevie Ray Vaughn is one of these things.



Nov 23, 2001
Nihilism isn't necessarily dark, it's just not optimistic. From Wikipedia:

Most commonly, nihilism is presented in the form of existential nihilism which argues that life is without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. Moral nihilists assert that morality does not inherently exist, and that any established moral values are abstractly contrived.

That pretty accurately describes how I've always felt, but I am in no way suffering from depression and nor do I live an unhappy life. My moral values may be abstractly contrived, but they do work for me and I need neither God nor Jesus in my life to be what I consider a good person.


Golden Member
Jan 10, 2010
Nope, I hear you man. I almost feel like I'm turning into a troll. I'm certainly not unhappy, in fact I am extremely happy, I just have even less tolerance for stupidity, including my own, than I did when I was younger.


Edit: I also find people more and more abhorrent and hate what society has become. I blame the internet. and fat people.

Sound about how I would describe myself. You're just getting old and being constantly grumpy is a part of it.


Elite Member | Administrator | No Lifer
Nov 30, 2005
As for morals, I think I am a good, moral person and I do not adhere to any specific moral code implemented by an organization or whatever, aside from the law of course. I help people as much as I can and generally think I am a pleasant person and contribute to society by volunteering and donation. At the same time what I said above still applies. Not sure what that makes me, maybe schizophrenic. :D



Golden Member
Jun 13, 2000
anyway, as for the apathy towards a meteor destroying humanity...perhaps you simply accept the fact that were such to occur, there is litterally nothing you, or anyone, cna do to stop that.

so really, no use fretting over it. should make it easier to go on with your life rather than fear such things, even the types of random ridiculous violence that happen around you. it gives one reason to hate very many parts of society as a whole--and with valid cause, I think--but in many ways, there are plenty things to love about humanity and what it has given us--Stevie Ray Vaughn is one of these things.

yeap, accept samurai outlook on life and go on honing your skill:)