just saw the movie and to those who said it's just a movie about ricers and gangbangers are wrong...for those who love the rush of street/drag racing it definitely pumps the adreneline thru you...having experienced this type of racing for the 1st time in the 70's and racing on and off for the last 20 years( both street and strip) someone who loves this type of sport will still feel that rush when you watch it...especially when he pulls out his dad's blown Charger...and for those who will argue what is the fastest and for those of you that will say the Charger had a blower , in the movie they poured $15K into that supra w/special racing parts...did it keep up w/ the Charger??? not until the Charger deveploped mechanical problems and then only w/ the help of NOS...not bad for comparing a 5000+lb car vs a 3500lb car.Oh and by the way... I do realise this IS a movie, however IMHO,at least this part I believe. Overall being a drag racing nut I did enjoy the movie