FAD: Sep-01 mondobyte's doing the TOP-DAWG dance today!


Golden Member
Jan 23, 2004
37 active members returned 486,076 points yesterday :thumbsup:

mondobyte leads the pack today with 111,132 points! Honourable mentions go to officeboy (34,096 pts) and TeAm Enterprise (32,482 pts).

TeAm Enterprise was our highest climber jumping 166 spots!

Today's Milestone Makers
mondobyte crossed 311M molecules
Milestones are every 1M pts, 1M molecules, 1 yr CPU time

Please join me in welcoming our newest members:
circut16 came from (unknown)

... and wishing all the best to our departed members:

Welcome all and thanks for crunching with us!

More TeAm Stats can be found HERE

Stats brought to you by TA_GeoffS of Team AnandTech!
This page has been hit 445 times
Thursday, September 1st, 2005, 7:05 AM EST



Senior member
Jun 28, 2004
Thanks for the stats Silverthorne!

My production rates are up significantly over last week. I hope to add another 3 or 4 dozen computers within a week.

I am planning on stabilizing at around 100 computers ... that is about all I can manage.

Later ...


A quick thumbnail on the status of the hordes

Blue Horde - 75+ nodes (processors)
Golden Horde - 15+ nodes
Others - 5+ nodes

Wow, that is about 95 nodes total. Guess I am getting close to my max upper limit ...