Okay heres the deal, I got a 40 gig hd with 20 gigs of mp3, the entire drive is formatted in FAT32, I have a new laptop i am trying to put the music on, I have the drive plugged into a USB 2.0 enclosure and whenever I try to attach it the system recognizes it and says its ready for use but then when I go to my computer the drive does not show up at all and whenever I go to drive management It shows the drive as not being initialized with the red - sign, I try to initalize it but the system hangs and I have to restart it. Does anyone know of a program i can use externally on a boot cd or something I can use from within windows that allows recovery of FAT32 partitions so I can copy the mp3s to my laptops internal HD? I tried GetDataBack NTFS but it didn't work, only seemed to want to copy the directories and none of the files within them...