External Mounting Bracket for Internal Cards


May 3, 2000
I've got a computer system that I've built to do online (uncompressed) video editing. We have a Supermicro case and a video I/O card that takes up a total of 4 bracket spaces in the case. We can't sacrifice this many slots and no one really makes a solution, so we're going to build one. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on an external box that these could mount in, keeping in mind that the cables attached won't go too far outside of the case.

Has anyone had to deal with anything like this or know of any possible solutions to this problem?


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Got any pics of a similar card to help with the brainstorming?


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Anyway, here is my first try for you. Assuming you can sacrifice two PCI slots to the Video Monster: Addtronics WTX case Note how there is that "blank" area above the motherboard. That's got a pair of slots in it! Check the close-up shot here from AnandTech's review.

Looks like those are $264 on up at Addtronics.com. HTH :)


May 3, 2000
Thanks for the suggestion. Unfortunately, the case has been purchased and the computer is together. At this point it would be too long of downtime in order to get a new case up and running so we're trying to find an external solution.

This is our current case. There's a large fan on the top that keeps us from mounting anything higher than the top most slot.

This is what the extra package looks like. Our main concern are the 3 cards on the left of the pic. There's space in the case for one of those cards, but we need to build something for the other two or all 3 if possible. We aren't too concerned with cables being exposed, we just don't want the PCBs on the cards to be exposed.

Thanks for the help. :)


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I guess I can only think of the obvious thing: buy a second case, maybe a microATX Inwin V-series (V700 for instance), and park the brackets in it.

But the WTX case looks like it would have been a slick solution *if* it really does have those two extra slots like Anand's photo shows... a shame you can't wrest the machine from the users long enough to make the swap. :(

Incidentally, if you need the other PCI slots for several NICs or something, you might free up a PCI slot by getting an Intel dual-port 10/100/1000 server NIC on their eval program, saving one PCI slot: special pricing!


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I don't see where you would put them, if the goal is to keep them inside the case. Visions of some Dremel artistry are going through my head, but you'd have to take the system apart to do that, and at that point you might as well put it in a WTX case anyway. And if you're not going to keep them inside the case, then you might as well buy a $30 microATX case as fabricate your own. Your time's worth something.


May 3, 2000
Originally posted by: mechBgon
I don't see where you would put them, if the goal is to keep them inside the case. Visions of some Dremel artistry are going through my head, but you'd have to take the system apart to do that, and at that point you might as well put it in a WTX case anyway. And if you're not going to keep them inside the case, then you might as well buy a $30 microATX case as fabricate your own. Your time's worth something.

Well, I was hoping to build something smaller than a microATX case that sits just outside, attached to one of the side panels. Something plastic maybe? I'm not very good at building things and someone more inclined will be helping, I guess I was hoping someone had some ideas on how to go about this or maybe already has.

Thanks, though. :) I appreciate your reponses.


Golden Member
Jul 23, 2001
Just take out the jigsaw and cut some holes in the top of your case or side and put the brackets there.