Exporting Social Security to Mexico


Oct 19, 2001
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)



No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
"And a Mexican woman who worked illegally under an invalid Social Security number for six years in the 1990s later petitioned for credit. She began receiving disability benefits in 1999."

What part of the word "ILLEGAL" is so hard to comprehend???

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: dmcowen674
"And a Mexican woman who worked illegally under an invalid Social Security number for six years in the 1990s later petitioned for credit. She began receiving disability benefits in 1999."

What part of the word "ILLEGAL" is so hard to comprehend???
Fsck that. We should use all the money paid into SS for illegals to beef up patrols on the border to prevent them from crossing.



Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
Final approval of any U.S.-Mexican "totalization" agreement is up to the Republican-controlled Congress. The Bush administration supports such an accord as a way to improve U.S.-Mexican relations.
I sure hope Mexican illegals don't get money while at the same time our unemployed get cut off from anymore benefits.



Senior member
May 12, 2001
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......


No Lifer
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: laFiera
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......

Thank you Maam for showing it is possible to become good "Legal" citizens. Kudos to your Dad too :)



Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: laFiera
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......

Your father sounds like a good decent man.:)

Althought he broke the law coming here, it sounds like he understands and appreciates what the US is supposed to be about. I wish I knew more who felt the way you and your father do.



Golden Member
Dec 14, 1999
well if even cadkindaguy can find it in his heart to congratulate your once "illegal" dad, i'm glad that he was able to get into this country safely without having to worry about vigilantes chasing after him.

what most people dont realize that no amount of money for border patrols will work in stopping illegal immigration (there are so many ways to get in besides the borders). if you really wanted to stop them, you'd have stiff fines for companies that knowingly hired them. no jobs here for them, no illegal immigrants.

i agree though that people who have paid their dues and were working legally should get benefits. illegal workers shouldn't and should just consider it as one of the "non"-perks of being here illegally.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: drewshin
well if even cadkindaguy can find it in his heart to congratulate your once "illegal" dad, i'm glad that he was able to get into this country safely without having to worry about vigilantes chasing after him.

what most people dont realize that no amount of money for border patrols will work in stopping illegal immigration (there are so many ways to get in besides the borders). if you really wanted to stop them, you'd have stiff fines for companies that knowingly hired them. no jobs here for them, no illegal immigrants.

i agree though that people who have paid their dues and were working legally should get benefits. illegal workers shouldn't and should just consider it as one of the "non"-perks of being here illegally.
We could never completely stop it but we could sure slow them down to a trickle. Of course there will always be those ingenious individuals that will do about anything to get over the border LOL.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)


The Bush administration does not share your view:
Ridge urges legal status.
"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 [million] to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it"
I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
Originally posted by: SuperTool

I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.
Thank you for opposing the system of checks and balances in our government. Your objection is duly noted and ignored. :)


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)


The Bush administration does not share your view:
Ridge urges legal status.
"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 [million] to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it"
I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.

I don't care what Ridge thinks. I have my opinion on this:) and just because he or Bush does something or says something does not mean that I follow lockstep behind them. I've shown such before. I am however still a Conservative AND a Republican.:)

Now I do find it interesting though that you(SuperTool) are taking a somewhat hardline stance on this. Not that it is a bad thing - I'm just suprised, that's all. Most Liberal/democrat types don't think they should be deported or had even broken a law. Kudos to you for growing a set:)




Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: rjain
Originally posted by: SuperTool

I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.
Thank you for opposing the system of checks and balances in our government. Your objection is duly noted and ignored. :)

So you are saying that the executive branch, which is entrusted with enforcing the laws is exercising checks and balances by not enforcing laws when they don't feel like it?
It's a very novel idea. I guess if I go to the store and steal something, I am exercising checks and balances on anti-theftl laws I don't agree with ;)


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)


The Bush administration does not share your view:
Ridge urges legal status.
"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 [million] to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it"
I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.

I don't care what Ridge thinks. I have my opinion on this:) and just because he or Bush does something or says something does not mean that I follow lockstep behind them. I've shown such before. I am however still a Conservative AND a Republican.:)

Now I do find it interesting though that you(SuperTool) are taking a somewhat hardline stance on this. Not that it is a bad thing - I'm just suprised, that's all. Most Liberal/democrat types don't think they should be deported or had even broken a law. Kudos to you for growing a set:)


As a liberal, I believe the government should help the elderly and sick citizens and legal residents. I am not for anything that will undermine its ability to do so, be it taxcuts or illegal immigration.


Mar 24, 2000
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)


The Bush administration does not share your view:
Ridge urges legal status.
"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 [million] to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it"
I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.

I don't care what Ridge thinks. I have my opinion on this:) and just because he or Bush does something or says something does not mean that I follow lockstep behind them. I've shown such before. I am however still a Conservative AND a Republican.:)

Now I do find it interesting though that you(SuperTool) are taking a somewhat hardline stance on this. Not that it is a bad thing - I'm just suprised, that's all. Most Liberal/democrat types don't think they should be deported or had even broken a law. Kudos to you for growing a set:)


As a liberal, I believe the government should help the elderly and sick citizens and legal residents. I am not for anything that will undermine its ability to do so, be it taxcuts or illegal immigration.
So you are a selfish and isolationalist liberal ;)

These illegals are clearly a vital part of our economy (read: agriculture, manufacturing, etc.). Why not grant them visiting worker status? Control the numbers? Give them an easy path, or a hard path...instead of only a hard path?



Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: alchemize
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: SuperTool
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Social Security checks could go south of border

Absolutely amazing. I wonder if they get to be charged with immigration violations then too? Or is this one of those things that there is only a benefit to the individual who broke the law.
Now don't get me wrong - anyone who worked here legally has a right to collect that which we provide but IMO those who choose to break the law and work here illegally have already forfeited it.

There is some good in this article/agreement though but since it about "exporting" I get to post it in a "the sky is falling" manner;)


The Bush administration does not share your view:
Ridge urges legal status.
"The bottom line is, as a country we have to come to grips with the presence of 8 [million] to 12 million illegals, afford them some kind of legal status some way, but also as a country decide what our immigration policy is and then enforce it"
I guess he's forgetting that we already have an immigration policy, and it is his job to enforce it. And no, as a country we don't have to come to grips with 12 million illegals, and we don't have to give them legal status. As a country we have already decided that these people are lawbrakers and should be deported. Ridge is the one not doing his job.

I don't care what Ridge thinks. I have my opinion on this:) and just because he or Bush does something or says something does not mean that I follow lockstep behind them. I've shown such before. I am however still a Conservative AND a Republican.:)

Now I do find it interesting though that you(SuperTool) are taking a somewhat hardline stance on this. Not that it is a bad thing - I'm just suprised, that's all. Most Liberal/democrat types don't think they should be deported or had even broken a law. Kudos to you for growing a set:)


As a liberal, I believe the government should help the elderly and sick citizens and legal residents. I am not for anything that will undermine its ability to do so, be it taxcuts or illegal immigration.
So you are a selfish and isolationalist liberal ;)

These illegals are clearly a vital part of our economy (read: agriculture, manufacturing, etc.). Why not grant them visiting worker status? Control the numbers? Give them an easy path, or a hard path...instead of only a hard path?

I am not selfish, and certainly not isolationist. But there is a difference between supporting regulated managed immigration, and turning a blind eye to unregulated illegal unmanageable immigration.
Noone should be granted any status if they are here illegally. If our economy needs them, then the congress should allocate worker visas for them, not ignore lawbreaking.
Bottom line the people of the US get to decide if they want them here or not, not the executive branch by not enforcing the laws that people's representatives have put on the books. Those here illegally should be deported, have to apply for visas, and not be given prefference over those who are going through legal channels and applying from their home country.
Companies that want to bring them here need to abide by US labor laws and regulations. This is not new, there are a lot of foreign workers in the US legally.
I came here legally, and had to jump through a lot of hoops, only to see that others just jump over the fence.


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: rjain
becuase they're evil furriners and they're diluting our gene pool.

Your racebaiting will not get you anywhere.If it was 12M canadians, the response would be the same.


Golden Member
May 1, 2003
Nah, if it were 12M canadians, we'd invade saudi arabia because the cold that drove them out must be creating lots of demand for oil. :)

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: rjain
Nah, if it were 12M canadians, we'd invade saudi arabia because the cold that drove them out must be creating lots of demand for oil. :)
Obviously you have dealt with some serious issues of discrimination since 9/11. You think this sh!t doesn't happen in India or Pakistan?


Jan 25, 2000
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: rjain
Nah, if it were 12M canadians, we'd invade saudi arabia because the cold that drove them out must be creating lots of demand for oil. :)
Obviously you have dealt with some serious issues of discrimination since 9/11. You think this sh!t doesn't happen in India or Pakistan?

I must say even after 9/11, the US is very civil and tolerant society, including towards Muslims. Other countries you would see widescale pogroms, ethnic and religious strife.
Americans do give benefit of the doubt to people even if there is more scrutiny.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: laFiera
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......

Your father sounds like a good decent man.:)

Althought he broke the law coming here, it sounds like he understands and appreciates what the US is supposed to be about. I wish I knew more who felt the way you and your father do.


There is an irony in this post. ;) :)


Oct 19, 2001
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: laFiera
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......

Your father sounds like a good decent man.:)

Althought he broke the law coming here, it sounds like he understands and appreciates what the US is supposed to be about. I wish I knew more who felt the way you and your father do.


There is an irony in this post. ;) :)

what? why? huh? It's quite simple. His father is a good decent man who seems to understand what the US is about. However he did something that was illegal(which I don't like) but was granted political asylum so he did end up making it legal. That isn't to say I don't think he should have tried the legal way first;) However it sounds like the man is a good father and has taught his son(?) to appreciate the opportunities that are available. And like I said - I wish I knew more like him - in regards to appreciating the opportunities that are available here.



No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: sandorski
Originally posted by: CADkindaGUY
Originally posted by: laFiera
amazing! if i made it here illegally and paid social security, i would consider that payment to be my dues owed to this country for giving me the opportunity to start life here anew; my dad came to the usa illegally but was granted political asylum a year later; and as he used to say, even if they took 90% of my paycheck in taxes, it would still be more than what i had in our native country! Now the attitude is, let's milk this country all we can because is their fault to begin with that we live in misery.... but enough rambling.......

Your father sounds like a good decent man.:)

Althought he broke the law coming here, it sounds like he understands and appreciates what the US is supposed to be about. I wish I knew more who felt the way you and your father do.


There is an irony in this post. ;) :)

what? why? huh? It's quite simple. His father is a good decent man who seems to understand what the US is about. However he did something that was illegal(which I don't like) but was granted political asylum so he did end up making it legal. That isn't to say I don't think he should have tried the legal way first;) However it sounds like the man is a good father and has taught his son(?) to appreciate the opportunities that are available. And like I said - I wish I knew more like him - in regards to appreciating the opportunities that are available here.


Man: Willing to give 90% of his pay just to live here(there)
CKG: Get your hands off my money!
