Exclusive: New Half-Life 2 Technology


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Acanthus
HDR for HL2 has been in the works since shader-day, forever ago.

Heh- Shady Days- when we all found out how HL2 would run on cards that would be obsolete when they released HL2.



Senior member
Nov 9, 2004
1st, this is new add on level i dont think its same as orginal game, read it fully.

2nd, Rollo, was your post all quotes, cause i dont get any of it apart from top part where you obv quoted the poster before you, is that quotes others have said before in the past ?.



Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Rollo
Originally posted by: Acanthus
HDR for HL2 has been in the works since shader-day, forever ago.

Heh- Shady Days- when we all found out how HL2 would run on cards that would be obsolete when they released HL2.

I don't know why you can't see what I said Humey- but there it is in a quote.

I was just reminiscing on the heated "Shady Days" battles.

Lots of people were posting "A 9600Pro is better than a 5900Ultra!" because they could beat 5900Us at HL2.

Of course, by the time the game actually came out it was pretty apparent that any card that was available at Shady Days was a dinosaur, and all the people who bought 9600/9800s "to play HL2" had been duped.

They all got to see their $400+ 9800XTs beaten by $175 6600GTs, and probably thanked Gabe for convincing them to buy aging "XT" flavor parts with the next gen right around the corner.


Diamond Member
Oct 1, 2003
Cards that were out last year are not "obsolete". In fact, most people have cards that are more than a year old.

People buying 9800XT's for $400 to play HL2 didnt get duped, they people buying $400 5950U's did however... Others like myself got HL2 for free with a coupon, and played it the first hour it was unlocked.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: humey
Ok TY obv b4 my time here.

It was a HUGE scam- ATI needed something to differentiate their cards, because while they knew their product line had superior DX9 PS2 functionality compared to the 5800/5900 line (due to 24 bit vs 32 bit, and better shader performance in general) there weren't really many games out that had DX9 PS2 shader functionality for many effects. People didn't really care about Tomb Raider, as no one played it.

So ATI staged this HUGE eventwherein they showed how in HL2 the 9600/9800 series was going to own all. Then they released the XT versions of those cards with HL2 coupons in them good for a free download and 1000s of HL2 hungry gamers bought them as fast as they could make them.

There were posts all over this board and others about how these guys were "set for HL2" and "Too bad so sad nVidia- you'll have to run DX8.1 and not see the shinier water and pipes!"

Then- nothing.

No HL2, Gabe ended up announcing that stolen code or no, it was nowhere near done at Shady Days, and everyone who bought 9600XT/9800XTs had to wait for Far Cry to see some real use of DX9 PS2 shaders.

Of course by that time, 6800s and X800s made those cards look like Voodoo 2s.


Jan 11, 2002
Originally posted by: Ackmed
Cards that were out last year are not "obsolete". In fact, most people have cards that are more than a year old.

People buying 9800XT's for $400 to play HL2 didnt get duped, they people buying $400 5950U's did however... Others like myself got HL2 for free with a coupon, and played it the first hour it was unlocked.

You got duped Ackmed. 9800XT came out in 2003, not 2004, and were made obsolete by cheaper,better performing 6600GT/6800NU parts by June 2004.

You might have played HL2 in the forst hour it was unlocked, but if you played it on a 9800XT, it wasn't at modern levels.


Diamond Member
May 22, 2003
Will be interesting to see HDR lighting. Hope it doesn't have the performance hit that farcry does. As for which was the best card to buy 2 years ago.... :(