i think this is a great deal, a GeForce4 and GeForce5 for $400.00. i'm sure evga has covered thier manufacturing costs on both cards at this price( about $75.00 more than the cost of a retail GeForce4 ti4600) and they increass thier market share as well, couple this with the late shipping date(end of March) and the fact they have your money in hand now, makes this a great deal for evga. but is this a good deal for you and me? well, on the plus side you get 2 top of the line Geforce cards for $400.00, within 2 years when your buying a new mobo and cpu just to keep your gaming system current you won't have to shell out more money for the dang video card. you will have to send your card in before they send you a new card back(that could get evil quick). thier installation program sounds good although i haven't tried it yet. i really liked the acs on thier G4 440mx(hey, these guys try new things). i don't know how well it will overclock, evga cards aren't included in many reviews(yet) so you just have to cross your fingers and go for it(at the minimum you get a G4 which is better than anything elese on the planet right now). on the minus side, evga is located in Brea,CA about 40 miles away from me, an area long overdue for the big one(read hugh earthquake) a moot point for me, living so close, but something you might want to consider. all in all, this is a win win situation for you and evga. note: unless you heard this same thing, exactly, word for word while playing music backwards, you will need to make up your own mind.