He is a legal beagle out of Ft Lauderdale and well respected here at ATOT.
That may be the nicest thing anyone other than my mom has said about me... wait, mom, are on ATOT now?
Surrogacy really isn't my thing (I do commercial/corporate litigation), but there are only two statutes on the subject here in Florida. If the surrogate is carrying the biological child of the father, then no compensation is allowed. If not, she can be paid reasonable living/medical expenses, but not 'compensation.'
I am not aware of any legal requirements for someone serving as escrow agent for a surrogacy. Typical contracts would have some sort of payment schedule for distributing the money to a surrogate. There are law firms that serve as escrow agents because then the money is kept in a trust account regulated by the Florida Bar. Other than that, I'm sure there are form contracts out there that would probably work.
I can foresee all sorts of headaches for an escrow agent if a dispute arises between the parents and the surrogate, but if the surrogate contract between them is good and you protect yourself with an escrow agreement, you should be ok.
This is usually where people preface the above with "IANAL," but unfortunately that's not available to me.