ePSXe not working correctly


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I have searched through the help forums and help guide on ePSXe and the solutions that were suggested have not worked. As far as I know, I am apparently missing a file somewhere, but I don't see how since I downloaded Pete's Complete "such and such" file which contained all of the necessary files to make it work correctly. I even gave that exact file to my brother and his works perfectly.

Could someone help me out with this?


Jan 6, 2002
my experince with ePSXe you really need to figure out what plugins for graphics and sound work best together, I have all the PETE stuff I could find and some NULL plugins. Some make the games so slow you can't play them, others make them so fast it's not even funny. And on top of that you have to configure the plugins, if you'd like I can rar them up into 1 file which wouldn't be big and send it you man. I pretty much have them all, at least all the ones I could find.

I suggest you try every graphic plugin and tweak all the settings in each. You should see a big difference between each.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I will try some more configurations tomorrow morning when I have some extra time. If all else fails, then it would be appreciated if you could send me that rar file. I will let you know if I get it to work.

Thanks for the help.


Jan 6, 2002
maybe I'm just stupid, but I've had problems with ePSXe, I finally got it to play Parappa The Rapper decently, it use to be laggy and overly choppy, now it
s a bit too fast. not really enough to make it impossible to play but it's noticable. I'd love to talk to somebody who figure it out, I haven't hit any forums dedicated to it as I only have the one rom. But in the past I did use it to get some other games to play very close to the original.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Sorry that I have not replied in so long, a lot of things has come up. A few unexpected bills (one hospital, one car... do the math) and on top of that, the recent snow storms have knocked out my Internet. Right now it is very slow, but accessible.

Anyways, do you think it would help out if I made an ISO out of the game using Alcohol 120% rather than try to just run the game from the disk in my DVD Drive?


Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2005
Originally posted by: Chaoticpenguin666
Anyways, do you think it would help out if I made an ISO out of the game using Alcohol 120% rather than try to just run the game from the disk in my DVD Drive?

Yes, I've noticed that ISOs tend to run a tad bit faster than when reading from the CD. You also won't have the DVD drive noise


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Well, I just ran into a whole mess of problems.

First off. Last time I tried to play a game (tested Crash Bandicoot and then Syphon Filter), both ran too fast. I then tried FF7 which ran too slow. After that (this was before I thought about using Anandtech to help with it) I just left it alone for a while.

After a few attempts, I cannot even get a game to load. The BIOS runs fine but when I try to run a game from my DVD ROM, ePSXe crashes.

I then tried to create an ISO using Alcohol 120%, but it keeps trying to convert them into .mds files rather than ISOs. I had made several ISO files before, but either I am doing something wrong, or something else is going on. Maybe someone could help me out with this step.

After that, I reconfigured the emulator. After getting a few "* Error in init aspi (235)" messages, I got it configured. However, it still crashes upon loading from the CDROM. There were a few times when I tried to load a game from the CDROM, but all it would do is load the ePSXe in the background. Meaning, I could only find it in the processes menu and close it from there.

Does anybody know what is going on? Better yet, would it be possible for someone to give me a quick rundown of how to configure it properly?

I am using Windows XP if that helps with specs posted below.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
Alright, I went ahead and used the ePSXeCutor to try and get the correct plugins working. As it is, I the emulator will load in Window Mode, but that is it. Instead of the ePSXe symbol in the top left corner of the window, it has the white rectangle to denote that it isn't working. Even when I close it down, it is still running in the processes menu of the Task Manager.

I would really like to get this resolved tonight as I won't have much free time tomorrow.


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2001
Try the mooby2 cd disk image driver 2.8 (cd rom plugin). It's what I use for epsx (it was the only way I was able to get cd-audio working). You must first convert your cd game into bin/cue format, I use cdrwin to do this (the demo version has no restrictions for ripping discs so it won't cost you anything), then in epsxe configure your cdrom plugin to use mooby2, and click file -> run cdrom (not run iso) and load your bin/cue file. Since you say it was crashing on loading the disc I thought this might be a good plugin for you to try.

If it helps here's what else I use:
video: pete's d3d 1.76 (notebook onboard intel video card)
sound: eternal spu plugin 1.41 (this is better than any of pete's sound plugins, try Resident Evil 3 for example)
bios: scph1001.bin (supposed to be the most compatible, dunno why or if it's true)


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2001
Also a good alternative is to use psx: http://psxemulator.gazaxian.com
You don't really have to configure it unlike epsxe, but I couldn't get cd-audio working on it (works fine for other systems expect for playstation on my laptop, for some reason).
You can check out other options at ngemu.com


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
I have been trying to create a .cue file using Alcohol 120%, but I keep getting DREs (Disk Read Errors). On a different forum, it was said that ePSXe can ready cue files as well as iso files. Since Alcohol 120 cannot make an iso, I figured a cue would work.

This is getting quite annoying. I may just pick a different emulator and use that instead.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
The PSX Emulator worked perfectly... well, better than the ePSXe. Breath of Fire 4 is running perfectly after a few error reports and crash dumps.

This seems like it should work for all of my games (all of which, I do own like Valkyrie Profile, Star Ocean 2, Ergheiz, etc.) so that will suffice. I rely on emulators since my roommate has all next-gen consoles in our apartment for gaming, while I have the PC for gaming. I have all of the old consoles (in perfect working order), but we don't have any room for them.

Thanks for the link.


Golden Member
Jun 18, 2001
Try using cdrwin to make the bin/cue files then, people have been using it for that purpose for a looong time (get from www.goldenhawk.com ,press the 3rd button from the top right, leave the default settings alone and make sure disc image/cue sheet is selected) . And if cdrwin works successfully, do gave that moody plugin a shot

edit: looks like you got things working to your liking. you're welcome


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2007
PSX Emulator works for some games, but others like Breath of Fire 3 gives CRCs (Cyclic Redundancy Checks). Any ideas?

Sorry about all the questions and such, I have never had this much trouble with any program before.

EDIT: I forgot that Alcohol 120 usually bypasses the CRCs and can successfully create an image of that particular disk. S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl gave me constant CRCs when trying to read the data files, but after a few runs through Alcohol, I was able to view them with relative ease.

Looks like I have a reason to get out my old 20 Gig HDD to store all of these image files.