Engadget: Meet SteamOS and and the Steam Controller


Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2010
Engadget posted impressions of both SteamOS and the Steam Controller prototypes.

SteamOS, perhaps not surprisingly, has more in common with Android than it does a GNU/Linux distribution like Ubuntu.

SteamOS looks and acts like Big Picture Mode, except it's the basis for the entire hardware system. It's controller-friendly and easy to navigate. The same Steam splash page washes across the screen when it launches, and the same tile-based layout of games and the Steam store are visible at launch. As promised, the OS is built on Linux (not based on Ubuntu, we're told, but entirely custom), though you'd never know it as the only interactive layer is all Steam.

It'll be interesting to see how open of closed they make this kind of thing, but I'm guessing it will lean more in the closed way. While I wish it was a more full-fledged Linux distribution, I'm not totally surprised that they're going the proprietary route. I do think this limits the attractiveness of the system to me a lot, though. I'd prefer something that still acts, fundamentally, more like a PC than a console.

As for the Steam Controller, impressions more or less matched the other early ones we've seen:

Operating the controller like a laptop's touchpad for simple cursor movement is intuitive, and games that function as such (like Civ V) work well. Trine 2 requires basic drawing with a cursor coupled with 2D platforming, and using the Steam Controller worked near-flawlessly. Better still, operating the touchpad as a mouse for fine movement within the OS worked great. Perfect for dispelling the occasional dialog box.

Without ample practice using Valve's controller, games that require quick reaction times and snap decisions are simply more difficult than when using a standard gamepad.

In so many words, games that don't require quick reaction times, but do require a mouse and keyboard to play are ideal for the Steam Controller. Civilization V serves as the prime candidate for the device, and it stood out among the handful of games made available. Starcraft II, while reliant on a mouse and keyboard, likely wouldn't play very well with the Steam Controller (though the controller will work outside Steam, as PCs pick it up as a... keyboard and mouse). SimCity, however, would probably be great (especially on slower speeds).

It's obviously not a perfect system, and my biggest worry is that they're creating a platform with neither the flexibility of a computer system nor the ease of use of a console. Sure you can avoid windows, but it is probably worth it in most PC gamers' eyes to spend $100 if it means having more functionality. It seems like a tough mix to pull off.


Oct 30, 2008
From the sounds of it, all their functionality is going to be Apps from Steam. Things like a web browser, music player, VOIP, and such, will probably be apps in Steam (or at least launched from the Steam menu).

I think the controller would have been better suited if it had a left thumbstick and a right track pad. It would be perfect for most games then (except those like SC2, which require precision kb / m and a high APM).


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
I'm going to answer this as a Linux user. You will most likely be able to install a complete DE on a Steam Box. You can already turn normal Linux Distros into "Steam Boxes" since steam was released on Linux.


Jan 6, 2013
if steamOS remains as focused on pure entertainment as it currently sounds like, then year of the linux desktop is still some time away. no spreadsheets (or whatever other productive activity), no replacement for windows.

still, gotta wait and see for ourselves.

The Day Dreamer

Senior member
Nov 5, 2013
If Steam Controller comes in the budget range of Asian countries sepcailly, then it will be a massive hit. Seeing it's ergonomical buttons, it will be treat for hardcore gamers, specailly in MFPS as Valve is trying to consolize STEAM with in-pipeline Controller and OS which is knocking at the door.