Encountered a road raging geezer in a white Buick this morning

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Nov 29, 2006
So there I was, on my way to drop off a friend's truck who was visiting California from Arizona to a mechanic because it needed some work done, and the dude was sick. On the way, I picked up a homeless kitten that's been hanging around the neighborhood. Now, the kitten has been abused by some neighbor's dogs, so it's in pretty bad shape and in need of urgent care.

While I was driving, I noticed a white Buick that's kept tailgating me and exhibiting aggressive and unsafe driving behaviors. The driver seems to have some sort of mental condition as I saw him constantly raised his hands and shook his head. This has gone on for several blocks, I paid no mind to him and kept on driving with one eye on his location.

Well, as I was approaching an intersection, there were some road constructions on the left lane so I started to signal and maneuver to the right lane. Guess what happened next? The geezer tried to squeeze in and cut in front of me, and it would have happened if there was more room between the truck and the cones. Another car was coming to my right so I had to keep left a bit further and move back to the left a tad.

As I did that, the crazy in the other driver kicked up a notch, as he's now flailing his arms around, his head shook as if it's going to come off his neck and he started mouthing something intelligible. I don't know whether him almost hitting my friend's truck from following too closely, or me not letting him cut in, or the political bumper stickers my friend has on the truck set him off, possibly the combination of all of it. But, it was scary.

I always knew that most drivers in California are passive-aggressive, but man, this is another level. Fearing for my life, and I have a cat to save, I scratched my head and went on my way... Man, that was a close call.

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No Lifer
Jul 3, 2003
Rejection, counsel.

As evident, there are 345 words, 1810 characters, 16 sentences, 5 paragraphs and 1 picture comprised of the OP. That, is not laziness.

I'm with Jeeebus (he always delivers). The content was lazy and weak.

Oh, and I didn't know you were Barack Obama.
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