embarrassing moments

I'm sure this is a repost times a million...but who likes old bumped threads.

What was your most embarassing moment?

Not my most, but had a good one today.
This morning when i got dressed and put my keys, wallet, cell phone in my pants pocket - i somehow managed to grab my wifes lipstick.

During a business meeting this morning, my phone rang (vibrated)...i reached in my pocket and pulled it out. With it, came the lipstick.
My dumbass didn't know what it was, so i picked it up and opened the cap. Everyone in the room seen the bright pink lipstick and gave me this REALLY weird look.
I hope they believed me when i told them that i must have accidently grabbed it off the dresser.

My most embarrassing (or close to it) was a few years ago. I lived in a 3 story apartment complex, laundry was in the basement.
I was doing my laundry one night around 1am. It was late, and i was kinda drunk. When i took my wash down, i wore only a pair of those pants that have velcro up both legs...no undies...no shirt.

When i went to go down the very last set of steps...my pants caught on a screw that holds the stair trim down. I tripped and fell down the stairs (8 of them). As i fell, my pants ripped off and clung to the screw at the top of the steps.
The people living in the lower floor were awake and immediately opened their door. I hadn't even gotten up off the floor yet - so there i lay, naked...on their welcome mat.

When they opened the door, i scrambled to cover my junk and grabbed two handfulls of the laundry that was now sprawled all over.
Unfortunately, the load of laundry was mostly my wifes clothes...the clothes i grabbed and used to cover my tool with were bras and underwear.
She had this really grossed out, irate look on her face...but luckily she didn't call the cops.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2003
Wow your naked staircase fall definitely takes the cake over any of mine.

Originally posted by: chuckywang
G&L'ed at a job interview.


friend of mine G&L'ed while attempting a phonefart
it was classic
"hey listen to this" *PPLBLBLBL-squirt*........"hey man i gotta go"


Diamond Member
Feb 8, 2001
Originally posted by: lizardboy
Originally posted by: Judgement
Originally posted by: chuckywang
G&L'ed at a job interview.

G&L'ed ???

Gambled & Lost.

Edit - considering your sig you should have known this :p

I'm up with the times, just not the intraweb lingo that follows from it, lol. Thanks for keeping me up to date, I knew ATOT was good for something.

oddly enough, i've never G&L'ed

although i lost a load to a sneeze once in grade school


Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by: chuckywang
If you're trying to decide if you should gamble or not, then you probably shouldn't.

Just another reason to always have a back up pair of underwear withen reach. :p


Diamond Member
Apr 3, 2002
Yet another thread hijacked by G&L... ATOT at its finest.

I got stripped by a stripper on stage once. There was whipped cream involved.

so...today at the grocery store i stuffed my mouth with cheese samples while the deli lady was getting my pound of coleslaw
(i was starving)
i stuffed a few too many, she turned to double check that i wanted a pound of it - i was mid-choke and spitting some of the half chewed cheese into my hand


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: troytime
Originally posted by: chuckywang
G&L'ed at a job interview.


friend of mine G&L'ed while attempting a phonefart
it was classic
"hey listen to this" *PPLBLBLBL-squirt*........"hey man i gotta go"