Email Validator ??s


May 19, 2005
Hi, i am looking for a good Email Validator program we can use on our mailing lists.

And also i have a question about a program i have now, i'm using a free one that will let you validate up to 500 at a time, if i buy it you can do unlimited...could using it to verify get you put on the spam lists (we do not spam, everyone on our list asked to be put on there). but i am having problems with the spam list, at spamhaus, we are on the CBL, i asked to be removed, and we were, but now we are right back on there. Just wondering if running the validator could get us put on there. It doesn't have anywhere to fill in the HELO string or anything like that. saw something about having a dynamically assigned ip affecting it, what exactly does that mean?

don't know much about it...trying to learn.
any good suggestions on an email validator?


May 19, 2005
has anyone ever used a validator?

i haven't ran the validator in a couple of days and we are staying off the spamhaus list....the last time i took us off, and then i used the validator, the next day we were back on the list.