Elephant: Biggest waste of movie rental evvvar


Aug 2, 2001
So I've seen movies that have wasted my time before, but usually I can tell if it'll be a waste 10-15 minutes into it and leave..however this movie went on for an hour and 15 minutes with potential until the final scene, with absolutely nothing happening in any sort, that I would've gained as much plot watching the 2 minute trailer n that first hour and 15 minutes that eventually sucked up all my time.

And all this, oh it's open for interpretation crap is such a cop out for a movie that doesn't really mean anything, and the elitists all end up eating it up like cake because they can say really dumb stupid things that sound meaningful but is a load of crap and will sound smart in doing so.


Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2002
ya, that movie sucked. And now for another chase cam <hour later> bang <fades to black>


Aug 2, 2001
Yeah, I have an idea, let's follow someone walking for 15 minutes, and do the same for 10 different people and make a movie!


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2001
Originally posted by: Syringer
And all this, oh it's open for interpretation crap is such a cop out for a movie that doesn't really mean anything, and the elitists all end up eating it up like cake because they can say really dumb stupid things that sound meaningful but is a load of crap and will sound smart in doing so.

Jesus, why are you so angry? Calm down, dude, it's a fvcking movie. No need to go around insulting people over their opinions of it. :roll: edit: and by the way, you might want to learn to construct a halfway cogent sentence before insulting others about the "really dumb stupid things that sound meaningful but is a load of crap" things they say.

Anyway, I was a little disappointed by the movie in that I was expecting it to go somewhere plot-wise. But what I did appreciate is that (from my experience) it actually seemed like a pretty accurate portayl of high school. Not the shooting of course, since that's a rare occasion, but just the personalities of all the students and teachers and the sort of "day-to-day life" presentation.