e6750 Tjunction


Senior member
May 8, 2005
I'm trying to find the temps for my e6750 and most programs (coretemp, everest, bios, intel thermal analysis tool) seem to report around 22C idle and 45C load, but i had someone point out that that is probably +15C ie 37 idle and 60 load. from this thread, I've also read that the most accurate reading is from DTS which has the maximum temp before throttle called the Tjunction which is either 100 or 85. Most programs assume 85C Tjunction and then just subtract whatever the DTS is to get the temp. I was wondering if anyone knew what the Tjunction for the e6750 was or had any information so that i may get accurate readings

btw: i have a p182 case with an AC freezer 7 pro and the e6750 is @ stock speeds.

thank you