This is all the memory you need for a exceptional overclock. 2x1GB DDR2-800mhz for $178 shipped Gigabyte seems to of fixed the RAM isssues with the latest BIOS, however if you get a board that has the older BIOS on it, and you will for awhile, then G.Skill RAM should be avoided.
I would also all but scream for you to invest in a good aftermarket cooler and some AS5 to match with it...
If you do invest in a GOOD CPU cooler, then 400FSB is cutting yourself short. I own a DS3, that specific Corsair RAM, and a E6300. MCH and FSB voltage options are at stock, and I was simply able to ramp the FSB up to the moon. It mostly works at 501FSB, and is rock stable at 486FSB, but I figured 476FSB for 3.33ghz was enough... You will need a good quality power supply however for this. For reference I have an old Zalman 7700Cu as my cooler, but I am looking into watercooling, somehow... Also with the above RAM, I am able to run 1:1 @ DDR2-952mhz with 2v.