You finally hit on what the best argument is for this thread. I couldn't get it out of Russ.He's still pissed about a previous exchange.
The arguement should be why can't we select which taxes we are going to pay? Why are all taxes lumped together so as to make it neccessary for a cpa to decifer where each penny goes? We have enough federal employees,suerly there is enough cpas in that machine to crank out percentages to each project. For those that want to protest thier taxes going to a cause they have a moral objection to,they could deselect it and remove that protion from thier tax burden
Don't laugh. There is a group of tax protestors who arte doing that now and getting away with it(from the last I heard about it)
Frenchie,I didn't bring up the "Harvard" deal,an antagonsit did.I don't think he has a law degree either. I'm happy council visits this forum. Welcome and Hello.
Anectdotal evidence:
When the cdl liscensing proceedure was mandated by the "Fed Govt.",that argument of states rights verses Feds rights was a big issue. It was resolved on the basis of law that states (in effect)Federal laws can supersede state laws when federal laws are more stringent in thier implimentation than state laws. If state laws are more stringent,than state laws would prevail. The result was we have now ,in essence, a federal drivers liscense issued to each driver in thier "home" state and the laws as they pertain to that liscense are written or adopted into state law.
The point being, when Federal law is stronger than state law,Federal law prevails.
I could be wrong. I'm human. If I make a mistake I'll ask your forgiveness.
If not,so be it. I'm off having fun. ENJOY!